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Discussion in 'Poetry' started by Anusowmyan, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Anusowmyan

    Anusowmyan Gold IL'ite

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    A soft gentle wind on a navy night

    makes the branches to rub against slight

    which were still after a tough fight;

    With a soft gentle wind on a maze

    then the branches had a gaze

    which induced a spark to love trace;

    Moon shines, stars glitter, sky charms

    amidst a soft gentle wind with no norms

    makes the branches hear whispers form;

    A soft gentle wind carries the fragrance of love

    flowers, buds and stars breath and bow

    makes the branches smell it in the grove;

    Then the soft gentle wind dropped dew

    to the branches to taste their love due

    to melt the tiff between the two

    A soft gentle wind made them twig.
    Mistt and Puttabbay like this.

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