My son's friend's mother is suffering from lung cancer (advanced stage).She is only 39 years old.She consulted doc as she had breathing problems.By the time they diagoned it, it was late.Undegoing chemotherapy now. I feel very sad to see the boy's situation.He is their only son.I request all the noble hearts of IL to pray for his mother's recovery. Thanks a lot in advance. Sreshta
Sure, will pray. A loved one also suffered from lung cancer, so I can empathise how the family feels. Am going to do my evening prayer now, will say one for your son's friend and his mother.
hi joining in to pray for the young mother..and also for the family to tide over this difficult period...
Hi, Everyone would definetly pray for her health & life. And I am sure, with all these prayers , she would definetly recover from her ill health soon. I wish that, may God bless her with good health.
Hi, I would surely pray for that young mother. Let Madurai Meenakshi give all strength and support to that family to come out of all these hard times.