Your Action Fuels Achievement

Discussion in 'Jokes' started by cheer, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Your Action Fuels Achievement

    I was reading a magazine recently when something caught my
    eye. The article mentioned that most people that exercised
    regularly (and as a result tended to be in the best shape)
    were those guys and gals that didn't so much plan out when
    they would work out, but rather simply worked out regularly
    without giving much thought to specifically when they would
    make time to do so.

    At first I thought to myself ... self, how on earth with
    such busy lives that we lead do these folks ever find the
    time to get their work outs in?

    After a bit of pondering on this it became glaringly obvious
    that by taking this approach they weren't allowing
    themselves to fall victim to the part of us that over
    analyzes things. You know the one I'm talking about.

    The part of us that says I don't have time to work out --
    I've got to get home in time to make dinner. I've got to
    stay late at the office. I've got to (insert whatever you'd
    like here). No, they simply acted on their initial impulse
    to work out. To get that bit of exercise they felt they

    Such a simple thought, to do that set of push ups or go for
    that walk or run instead of going through all the trouble to
    schedule it in.

    I couldn't help but think, by how applying this same
    approach to just about any of our goals we wouldn't find
    ourselves getting more accomplished.

    Consider how many lost goals and otherwise would be
    achievements we experience simply because we wait around for
    the right time to get started -- and in the process never
    get the necessary action going to get started in the first

    Take a moment to really give the above statement some

    Is there ever really a "perfect time" to set out in pursuit
    of your goals? I mean really. Is a month from now, two
    weeks, or a day from now going to be any better than right
    now at this very moment. Probably not. That's just the way
    things work.

    Life is filled with any number of things that will shift and
    change and inevitably occupy our limited time, if we don't
    first take the initiative to fill it with those things we
    want to implement in our lives.

    Each of us is given the same number of hours in the day (24
    -- last I checked). The same number of days in a week -- 7.
    And days in a year ... 365 (unless it's a leap year).

    Starting now get into the mind set that time -- or a lack
    there of won't stop you from working towards achieving those
    things that you want to see manifest in your life. Instead
    of looking for the right time to get started, just get going
    on them and allow yourself the wiggle room to move and adapt
    to any change that might be necessary to get you to where
    you want to be.

    As the saying goes, "you don't have to get it right starting
    out, you just have to get going".

    Change is inevitable, and in some instances it is true that
    we can't control every single thing that happens to us. Even
    so there are active steps we can take that will help to
    guide us in the direction of those things we desire. Simply
    sitting still and idle is one sure way to keep yourself from
    realizing your dreams.

    Dream big and feed your dreams with the necessary amount of
    action and as a result you are sure to attain your own
    definition of success.

    Keep this thought in mind: Even the best laid out goals are
    simply dreams until you add the fuel of action that gets you
    on the path towards achieving them.


  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Hello Cheer !

    Your post made interesting reading.
    We are experts in giving our selves " valid sounding" excuses, for not getting started - this we do for every small thing. Unless we decide very strongly, we will not get going at all. It is the mind set, more than lack of time.
    If we spend half the time we dream, in pursuing action, we will march ahead very well in life. We always talk as if others have all the time and we have no time - this is just cheating ourselves and finding excuses.
    Any time is "perfect time" to get started.
    Love & regards,
  3. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chithra Thanx, actually it really applies to me. I'm always making excuses that i'll start doing excercise frm tomorrow, frm monday, but never spare time for it. That will remind me perfect time is now. Stop fooling myself:mrgreen:
  4. Hopefloats

    Hopefloats New IL'ite

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    absolutely true

    hi cheer

    i would like to join your gang.......i also find excuses always and thus end up doing nothing....the article was thought provoking....thanks for sharing.

  5. Sharada

    Sharada Senior IL'ite

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    made me feel guilty!

    Drove home the fact that time is precious - and I spend half of it saying that "I have no time!" Everyday routine takes up a good part of the day, and whatever else I have to do gets crammed into a few hours.

    In a lighter vein -

    Procrastination is not a crime
    But time you cannot lend or borrow
    I think I better start,
    But I'll do it tomorrow!


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