As I rushed along with many To get out of that station I saw Two small orbs of frozen honey. It felt I was held by an icy claw. Perhaps nothing goes away Though you desperately go out. The greatest healer can never play Against the timeless that stands out. Its been two decades. May be more? But feels like it just was yesterday. Melting eyes and minted new words Of not joy but sorrow filled that day. You didn't wave then as I left, But stood there like a statue. Angrier for getting a "no" had left Me lacking warmth that was due. If there ever was a wish after that It was to never see you again. Alas!, there was yet another that Hoped to see you one day, again. How can someone even forget The existence of one so dear? I didn't know that. Can never get That question ever answered here. One day we may talk to each other As though nothing happened at all. Neither of us will be asking whether The other is hurt. It will go on!
Thanks a lot MaruthiRao for another feedback. I will try posting some more when I find time. Besides, I did post a lot of my verses already since 2010. So you can find them and read if you like [and possibly kill time ]. -rgs