I just wonder how you are Managing things just being you. I hardly found anyone so rare Who are just as good as you. I'd been with you for many years, Yet only realize a bit of your worth Now, being away for a few years, Yearning to catch up with my mirth. Leading by commanding respect you showed That odd compassion thats so like you. Not once I've shown neither, but am proud In sharing about you, to a few. You are there still lighting many a lamp Yet getting brighter and brighter like sun. Though many are dim and goes out in damp, You may find a few, who spread your vision. I may not be one, yet I am proud To have known you and been with you. I can never be you, now I say that aloud, Cherishing those days like morning dew.
Sorry about that Sonali222. Its just about a dear one whom we miss. Thanks for the quick feedback. -rgs