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Yay.....harry Potter's Back!!

Discussion in 'Book Lovers' started by beautifullife30, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hey all…….Harry Potter's back! This time in the form of a play!!

    Well, I am a crazy fan of the Harry Potter series. So being a crazy fan, you can imagine my reaction when I saw the book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child up for sale. It was a Hardcover edition on top of everything! So you know what it means for a diehard fan.

    I casually mentioned this to my DH saying that I wanted to read this book and that it's been a long time since I read a Harry Potter book. He started saying all silly things like are you still a kid? Is this the age for you to read the Potter books and stuff! I dropped the subject.

    Yesterday, I got a surprise! The same Harry Potter book from Amazon ordered by DH. My crazy DH wanted to surprise me with the book it seems. So all those nasty dialogues!!

    Well, for the last one day I have just been touching the book cover (it literally feels like velvet to touch) and just being content with that. The reason – once I start reading, I can't stop and the last unexpected book which is out will also be over and done with. My mind is intent on reading the book but my heart refuses to start reading it so soon.

    Well, my journey with Harry began very late. When I was in my school, I never used to bother much about the series though I used to see my friends literally fighting over the books. Later when I migrated to a different city, the situation was still the same. Every newspaper always had an article with 'Potter this' and 'Rowling that'. It was making me go crazy!

    One beautiful Tuesday morning, my uncle was kind enough to gift me two tickets to the Harry Potter movie which was running in theatres at that point of time. So I went to my college and boasted about it. One of my college mates (who was following the series) started a conversation about the movie and its reviews and stuff. I was literally clueless and felt so bad and I confessed to her that I had never read any of the books and I didn’t even know that the movie was the third part of the series. She then graciously lent me the first two parts – The Philosopher's Stone and the Chamber of Secrets books for reading so I could at least follow the movie. Then started my journey with Potter. I have been hooked onto the books since the page 1 of the first book. I completed the first and the second parts within two days. I wanted to read the third part too but I thought I will watch the movie instead.

    So I went to watch the movie with my grandpa and there I was in for a surprise. The movie just was a disaster. I couldn’t follow the story at all. Seeing my close to tears face, my grandpa kindly took me to a nearby library as soon as the movie got over, to get me the third part book so I could read and enjoy. I did and loved the book a lot. So I went along with my grandpa to return the third part and to get the fourth book. But to my bad luck, the fourth part was already lent to someone else. I had to wait and soon forgot about that on the event of my semesters.

    At the beginning of my semester holidays, my grandpa surprised me with the fourth book. I still remember my reaction to it. I jumped up and down, hugged him hard and told him he's the best grandpa ever. By this time, my entire house knew my obsession with Harry Potter. So my uncle decided to surprise me with the fifth book.

    To my luck, my best friend from college is also a Potter fan…so she and me pre-ordered the sixth and seventh parts. I still vividly remember standing in front of the book store at 7AM in the morning just to get my hands on the pre-ordered books, bunking college and NSS activities, staying at home with phones switched off so that I would have my peace and quiet while reading the book.

    My potter craziness rubbed off on my little brother also. He is an avid fan of the Potter movies. He used to force my uncle to buy him the DVDs no matter the cost!

    Now, sitting at the dining table with my latest copy of the Harry potter book, I feel very young all of a sudden. It feels like am back to my old days. I wish for my kids to read the series too. I want to see if they too will be fascinated with Harry the way I was and still am! Need to wait and see that though.

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    1. sumaramesh
  2. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    Well, I am a crazy fan of the Harry Potter series. So being a crazy fan, you can imagine my reaction when I saw the book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child up for sale. It was a Hardcover edition on top of everything! So you know what it means for a diehard fan.

    i am a diehard fan too :D same pinch :D
    it started when i started to watch it in pogo "may movie magic" every may month they used to telecast all seasons.. Though it is stoped now i have my own collectiona

    Every newspaper always had an article with 'Potter this' and 'Rowling that'. It was making me go crazy!
    yeah i have one magazine of it ;);)

    The movie just was a disaster.
    Agreed book was diff from movie particularly 3rd loads of lapses rest of the part they tried their best to i think 1st 2 parts were amazing 4th also good one but i like all in book than movie particularly ginny and harry scene in book was diff. particularly after quiddich match they kiss in front of ron which is not so in book. Snape, Sirius black their characters i love it in book than movie.. but movie they tried their level best.0

    hope you have a nyc tym reading it :D i saw teaser i dont think i can imagine some other character in place of harry, hermoine and ron from old movie lets see.. have a nyc tym :D
    vaidehi71 and beautifullife30 like this.
  3. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    :beer-toast1: I knew I could count on your for being with me on this!! Really Snape, Ron, Hermoine, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Christmas at Hogwards........all these things are just so soooo good!

    I have to start reading. I hate to be disturbed while reading. So I waiting for a good Saturday when I can send my DH off to office...send my kids to my mom's room the whole day and relax and enjoy the book!

    I am just pure evil when it comes to Harry Potter! :smilingimp:
    vaidehi71 and Caide like this.
  4. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    :beer-toast1: I knew I could count on your for being with me on this!!
    really :D thank you :D:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

    Really Snape, Ron, Hermoine, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Christmas at Hogwards........all these things are just so soooo good!

    even harry character was diff in first book.... in movie his character was portrayed in such a way that he was very strong and not scared to enter dungeon :p i felt though he was scared he was brave while reading book. Hedwig wow i love the way rowling portrayed hedwig's death sorry to say but nice writing but messed it up in movie

    I have to start reading. I hate to be disturbed while reading. So I waiting for a good Saturday when I can send my DH off to office...send my kids to my mom's room the whole day and relax and enjoy the book!

    enjoy bad girl :D

    I am just pure evil when it comes to Harry Potter! :smilingimp:

    Same here even movie 1st 2 parts i watch it like crazy fool whenever they telecast it
    beautifullife30 and vaidehi71 like this.
  5. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    I would have watched all the Harry Potter series, like crazy. :roflmao:
    Have all the books, but haven't read any yet..:yikes::rolleye::sconf::shocked:
    Caide likes this.
  6. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    bad girl read it first you will love it particularly quiddich match Christmas snow time all magic scenes even you will fall in love with negative characters
    blindpup10 and vaidehi71 like this.
  7. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Having Harry Potter books at hand and not reading.....:sconf::shocked::yikes::rolleye:

    WHO does that!! :BangHead:

    Although I have got to admit you have great will power :worship2::worship2::worship2::worship2:...I would have been glued to the books still!
    vaidehi71 and Caide like this.
  8. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    LOL, I did it, actually I bought for my kids sake, and would have read at the maximum few pages...:rolleyes:
    Now looks like show case books,:flushed:.
    But I have lost count of how many times I had watched the movies...:facepalm::eek:o_O:lol:
    Maybe the moment I see the thickness of the ones I like it, seems to put me off to sleep.:D
    Caide likes this.
  9. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    put off to sleep will give a bang on head :smash2::smash2::smash2:
    vaidehi71 likes this.
  10. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Moviessaaaaa :eek::eek::eek::eek:
    movies are so bad! please!! :facepalm::facepalm:

    No wonder you haven't touched the books yet! :BangHead::BangHead:

    The only book to movie version which is good is Narnia and The Hunger Games. The rest are just plain bad.

    Do me a favor and stop watching those movies!
    vaidehi71 likes this.

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