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World Still Revolving Around Sun

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    World Still Revolving Around Sun.

    As seniors, we have seen the world changing and changing fast.

    Let me single out communication. Till around 1950 we communicated in person or by writing letters because landline telephones were for the privilege or for those who could wait for years.
    The only way to know about what was happening in our city, country and the world, was by daily or weekly newspapers. Owning a radio again was for the privilege of those who could afford and that too was not available in remote areas.
    Now letters have been replaced by emails, landline phones by mobile phones, newspapers by e-paper and radio by TV.
    Others: In the same way change has happened in almost every field of life. The only thing permanent seems to be change.
    We can call it Progress.
    However, basic habits have not changed like eating-drinking and pooping-peeing.

    The world is indeed moving ahead but it is still revolving around the Sun.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Indeed Earth orbiting around sun has not changed a bit though on earth vast changes had taken place from the day of its creation to this day. Despite decrease and increase in population of all species, the weight or mass of the Earth not changed at all.
    First it was sign language. With advent of successive evolutions, communication among humans changed vast. But the way the communication evolves accompanied by obsolescence the comparison of devises used then with present leaves one with wonderment. It was gruntic spool of long tape from Germany used to store library of hundreds of songs.
    Then it became LP long playing gramophone records. Then it became cassette tapes. Now it is all electronics and digital. The world is moving toward miniaturisation . It has become printed circuit boards. There is no mending or repair men of past. Now they throw the part or replace it with other easily.
    It will not be a surprise if we are able to invent the magic mirror mentioned in epic stories that one can see at will what is happening at a desired spot. Internet may get obsolete at some point in future.
    Once we depended on news paper and radio to know about happening in other parts of the world but now reading paper has given go by and print media facing extinction.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
    HariLakhera and satchitananda like this.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Very true. Only that remains constant, even thogh the axis of the earth is tilting or has already tilted, it is claimed. Very honestly, seeing the state of affairs of the world today, one wants to ask the ghisapita sawaal - kya yahi din dekhne ke liye zinda rahe hum?

    But then when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I am feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things.

    Thanks for taking my back to those days of letters and communications. It reminded me of those days of the friendly postman, waiting for letters from relatives and friends, everyone gathering around whoever was reading out the letter, the discussions... How can I forget waiting at the gate for the postman to bring my report card at the end of every academic year or going to the post office asking if the cards had come!!! It reminds me of my days as a student in London, waiting desperately for letters for weeks. Then 3 would arrive together - London had something about the 3 together, including their buses. The joy of reading 3 letters would then compensate for the despair of the last weeks.

    Telephones were only for the rich. But then neighbours would allow use of their phones. We would receive calls in their house, we would make calls from their house. In return they used to treat our home like the local post office for stamps, postcards, inland letters etc. because dad used to regularly stock them. So it was a kind of barter system, a beautiful co-existence.

    The image of dad sitting at the dining table early in the morning, reading the newspaper is another wonderful memory. I remember being told to read the newspaper and would be chided for my refusal to read anything other than the comic strips - Mandrake the Magician and Bringing up Father. I should take interest in politics, how would I develp my general knowledge if I did not read papers, I was asked. (Had written about my relationship with journalism and newspapers a few years ago. Here is the link, if you are interested in reading it.) Being a late developer, I got involved with 'news' and 'politics' very late in life and regret doing so wholeheartedly today. Now people advocate avoiding news. I never seem to get it right. Anyway, moral of the story, not everything your parents tell you is best for your physical or mental health!!!

    We had a Marconi radio. The signature tune of All India Radio, the crisp '... the news read by Lotika Ratnam / Melville de Mellow / Pamela Singh...' in a finely honed accent still rings in the ears. Those were times when one heard, never saw the newsreader. We did not have a clue what our newsreaders looked like until the '70s when the first television made its appearance. Even the style of newsreading, the content of news, the 'breaking news' playing 24X7 in a loop has changed. Those days the breaking news was the death of the President Zakir Hussain, the breakout of the 1971 war and the like. And here we are back full cycle, the only difference being the graphic images of all the atrocities taking place in the same country. BBC those days was considered to be the ultimate source of all truth. Today, the less said the better.

    Sorry if I have bored everyone. Just feel very sad and trapped in the world in which we live.

    P.S. Gosh, reading this made me realize I sound like a real old fogey, but well, time to accept I am one!!! :confounded::confounded::confounded:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
    HariLakhera and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Hari Sir,

    Sun is the basis for all the planet including our beautiful blue planet and it is so captivating to see the photographs taken from the space station to see our blue planet. If it stops rotating itself or revolving around the Sun, all of us will cease to exist. Now, the scientists are saying that we need to also pray for the well-being of the moon as it took more hits from asteroids that are bound to earth. The other planets also helped earth to be protected from other asteroids from long distance.

    Recently, the scientist found out the core of the earth stopped rotating and started moving in the reverse direction to the rotation of the outer planet earth. Recently I watched a video by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson explaining what would happen if we make a hole through the earth to the other end hypothetically, if we ignore the temperature in the core of earth assuming a man wears a suit that is heat resistant. While going into the hole, the man would move at the force of the gravity and once he reaches outside of the hole at the other end, the man would be pulled again into the hole due to gravity of the planet on the otherside. In other words, the gravity of the planet on oneside cancels out with the gravity of the planet on the otherside and hence the man will keep journeying again and again unless someone pulls the man out when he appears on the other side of the planet. The entire journey will take 45 minutes one way and 90 minutes round trip.

    There is so much to learn yet about our planet and its design. The planet is designed to have life and the nature is kept with the same barameter that would help all lives to exist. Only the man makes changes to the atmosphere through artificial means resulting in climate change.
    satchitananda and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I was asked this question in an interview at DRDO what this motion called in science! I remembered my professor lecturing on Simple Harmonic motion and I gave answer not instantly but only a while later. I was through.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Just a few days back, a student in a state of the USA said that the earth is flat. He could not be convinced that it was round like an orange fruit. He was suspended from the school.
    William Faulkner, in one of his books, coined the words 'disposable relationships'. To some extent, it is coming true hear of long-distance relationships.
    The only thing that has not changed and will not change is human behaviour-selfishness, intolerance, and greed, etc etc. like eating-drinking and pooping-peeing.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    You have company, I am also a real old fogey, whatever that means.
    There are many memories of those days of letters, radio and newspapers. I still have a few Inland letters, Stamped envelopes, revenue stamps and all that. I am not sure why I can not throw them away.
    But as I said something like eating and drinking has not changed, nor will change. Added to that will be human selfishness. Humans will remain humans-good, bad, in between and I, ME and MINE.
    And as for your try at journalism, I agree we read newspapers for getting high by prefer to read stories of murders, rapes and so on. Who cares for central page?
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  8. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shri Viswa,

    You maybe knowing but here it is what change may mean to some-

    Spare a thought, then, for Nasa astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore, now more than two months into their eight-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS). It is thought that the spacecraft that took them there – Boeing's shiny new Starliner – may not be capable of getting them safely back to Earth.
    I told my grandson, age 5 that the earth revolves on its axis around the sun and that is how day and night
    happen. He asked me how come its axis has not become blunt like the axis on my spindle. I had no reply.
    We all have seen many changes in our materialistic life but there is no change in human nature.
    Viswamitra and Thyagarajan like this.

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