Words of Sathguru SaiBaba!

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by itsmebhagi, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    ஒருவருடைய குரு எவராக இருந்தாலும் அவர்மீது திடமான விசுவாசம் வைக்கவேண்டும். வேறெங்கிலும் அவ்விசுவாசத்தை வைக்கலாகாது. - ஸ்ரீ ஷிர்டி சாய்பாபா.


    One should be completely loyal to his Guru, who ever it is. Placing the loyalty in other things shall not be considered. - Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.
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  2. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Contentment is Within us


    One is elated by one event, while another is depressed by the same event. In fact, the same event makes a person feel happier on one occasion and unhappy on other occasion. But, some people take pain or pleasure in equal terms and look enviably contented. The truth is the essence of Isha Upanishad and in order to teach the truth, Baba sent Dasganu to Dik****'s house where the maid-servant would enlighten it.

    A maid-servant was enjoying doing domestic chores, singing and playing while she was draped in a tattered saree. She was equally happy when she got dressed up in a new saree. Next day she kept the new saree in the trunk, wore the old saree and attended to her work singing joyously. Dasganu learnt the lesson that a man ought to enjoy whatever God bestowed on him. Is it not folly to accept one thing and reject the other when God is present in everything and everywhere? Contentment with one's own lot with the conviction that whatever happens is ordained by the Will of God and it is ultimately for our own good, makes us happy. Whenever we feel disappointed or discontented, let us recall the Presence of Baba present in everyone, in everything and everywhere and feel satisfied and contented by fixing our mind and soul on the Sai-blessed Smiles that would lit up our gloomy faces.
  3. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Contentment is Within us

    View attachment 201404

    One is elated by one event, while another is depressed by the same event. In fact, the same event makes a person feel happier on one occasion and unhappy on other occasion. But, some people take pain or pleasure in equal terms and look enviably contented. The truth is the essence of Isha Upanishad and in order to teach the truth, Baba sent Dasganu to Dik****'s house where the maid-servant would enlighten it.

    A maid-servant was enjoying doing domestic chores, singing and playing while she was draped in a tattered saree. She was equally happy when she got dressed up in a new saree. Next day she kept the new saree in the trunk, wore the old saree and attended to her work singing joyously. Dasganu learnt the lesson that a man ought to enjoy whatever God bestowed on him. Is it not folly to accept one thing and reject the other when God is present in everything and everywhere? Contentment with one's own lot with the conviction that whatever happens is ordained by the Will of God and it is ultimately for our own good, makes us happy. Whenever we feel disappointed or discontented, let us recall the Presence of Baba present in everyone, in everything and everywhere and feel satisfied and contented by fixing our mind and soul on the Sai-blessed Smiles that would lit up our gloomy faces.
  4. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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  5. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    இவ்வுடம்பைப் பராமரிக்கவேண்டும்


    உடம்பைப் புறக்கணிக்கவோ, விரும்பிச் செல்லமாகப் பராமரிக்கவோ கூடாது. ஆனால் முறையாகப் பராமரிக்க வேண்டும். குதிரையில் சவாரி செய்யும் ஒரு வழிப்பயணி, தான் போகுமிடத்தை அடைந்து வீடு திரும்பும் வரையில் தனது குதிரையை எவ்வாறு பராமரிக்கிறானோ, அதைப் போல் இவ்வுடம்பைப் பராமரிக்கவேண்டும். - ஸ்ரீ சாய் சத்ச்சரித்ரா 6

  6. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    A Slip of Tongue Enslaves us to our Words


    Our words are like a mirror which reflects our moods and modes of thoughts. Good words are like a balm, cool and fragrant as the sandal-wood paste and strengthen the bonds of friendship. An unruly tongue spells disaster both to the speaker and to the listener. The moral is: 'think before you speak'. Society respects a person who talks less but in pleasant words. So, every word we utter should never be like a sharp sword that cuts at the heart of a listener. Words should soothe and not scald the listener's mind. Some people may promise on the spur of the moment, but fail to keep the promise and they are looked down upon for promises made and broken. Sometimes it is like walking on the razor's edge to fulfil the promises one has made. Broken promises may break the bond of goodwill between people. Birds because of their legs and humans because of their unruly tongues get trapped in troubles. Do not make a promise when you know you cannot keep up your promise. It is better to keep quiet instead of making empty and tall promises.

    Is it not because of the promise Dasaradha made to his wife to grant her wishes that forced him to exile his son Sri Rama from Ayodhya? Are we not the masters of the tongue till we speak? A slip of tongue means we are enslaved by our words. So, Baba taught His devotees to think more and speak less.
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  7. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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  8. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    குருவே சரணம்


    குரு பிரம்மா குரு விஷ்ணு குரு தேவோ மகேஷ்வர.
    குரு சாக்ஷாத் பர பிரம்மா
    தஸ்மை ஸ்ரீ குரவே நம:

    உன் வேலையாகவே வந்த எனக்கு, வேறு வேலை என்ன இருக்க முடியும்? கண நேரம் அமைதியாய் அமர்ந்து ஆலோசனை செய். -
    ஸ்ரீ ஷிர்டி சாய்பாபா.

    Surrendering to Guru

    Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswarah
    Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma
    Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah:

    How can there be any other work, when I have come here just for you? For a moment, be calm and consult. - Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.
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  9. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    It is Enough to Follow the Foot-Prints of God


    God is All-knowing. Although we may not know what we are doing, but He is quite aware of everything we do. As long as we remain loyal and follow in His foot-steps, He would lead us on the right path like a True Leader. He would be walking ahead and leading us on the right path of upright behaviour. Then His path becomes our path and the destination is what He leads to. We should never feel arrogant with our limited knowledge and skills. We have to move under the supervision of Baba, who is beyond our imagination and who is Omnipotent. If Baba says 'No' to someone's request for leaving Shirdi, it would mean that the journey would not be safe. On some occasions, Baba would ask people longing to stay to immediately leave Shirdi. That journey proved to be very good for them. If we obediently follow His commands, there is no possibility of committing mistakes.

    When we are going ahead fearlessly under the protective arms of Baba, even the most severe of calamities would recede on seeing us. Baba is the one with great spiritual powers to keep us safe even in the face of most dangerous times. When the nature caused havoc in Shirdi, He controlled it and protected people who sought His shelter by commanding the furious elements to calm down. Therefore, with sincere faith, we should follow Baba and it will do immense good for us.
  10. itsmebhagi

    itsmebhagi IL Hall of Fame

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    Wishing everyone good health and Joy on Datta Jayanthi...


    || Om Sai Ram ||
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