Dear Chitra, I also have read the Gita in college and had to do an essay .......of course it is such a vast and in depth study, that at each ppoint inlife we can arrive at different meanings based on our life's experiences and of course like everyone has pointed out , it never ceases to help us, or keep us calm! Lovely topic, am looking fwd to more of it , of course in the right doses, which u seem to know! i must say, that today i had to give a lec demo on dance and our religion etc to germans and i took a lot of ur thoughts on Bindi, mantra, deepam and visiting temple concepts to blend with my concepts of dance...after all it is called Temple dance, and it was fulfilling to give these other aspects of our culture too .....and it made me also so satisfied and it gave a wholesome finish and connection with indian dance.....and many of them understood and appreciated the these concepts, and philosophical meanings! So thanks once again to you for having posted all these , it gave me an opportunity to share all this knowledge with more people!
Dear Chithra, Just like how other Shlokas have a certain way of being recited, are there procedures for reciting Shlokas from Bhagvad Gita? As in specific day/time/place/purpose (marriage, child birth, health)/order of recitation? Thanks and love Pavithra
Dear Gayathri, Thankyou very much for the F b. I am really getting overawed by all your enthusiastic F b s, on starting the Gita ! I want you all to remember I am still a student & that too, an elementary student of the Gita ! As far as I know there is no initiation necessary. Just start reading any book which gives the meaning as well. Initially just read 5-10 shlokas per day. Do not overly bother if you do not understand. Once the habit of reading starts, understanding follows. When you are living abroad, how can I recommend the books ? If available, buy the R K Mutt book with explanation to start with. Love, Chithra.
Dear Cheer, Welcome to this forum ! Thankyou for joining us. What do you mean by Gita Upadesh ? - is it the few lines that summarize the Gita ? It is now very popular as a poster all over ! I have it in tamil - please write if you can read it; then I will post it straight away. If you want in english, please wait till I buy the English version & post it. Following it comes slowly, gradually but steadily ONLY with practice, Cheer ! Thankyou for the f b . Love, Chithra.
Dear Radha, Thankyou for the F B. It is great to know that you are already familiar with the teachings and benefit of the Gita. I repeat, your expectations are unnerving me & I am praying to God more intensely that my writing on the Gita should be correct, meaningful and relevant ! Let us continue this journey together, Radha. Love, Chithra.
Dear Sudha, Thanks for joining us, as usual. The interpretation of the Gita varies for us in our different stages of life, depending on our experiences & our maturity levels. When I first read the Gita, I really thought, it was very dry & hard to follow. But on repeated readings, it is now like nectar !! Believe me, V is an arednt reader & follower of the Gita & that was an inspiration for me, frankly. I am very thrilled that you explained about the significnce of the various aspects of culture in your programmes ! Do not worry about the right doses, Sudha - I have my own limitations as well !! Love, Chithra. quote=sudhavnarasimhan;43643]Dear Chitra, I also have read the Gita in college and had to do an essay .......of course it is such a vast and in depth study, that at each ppoint inlife we can arrive at different meanings based on our life's experiences and of course like everyone has pointed out , it never ceases to help us, or keep us calm! Lovely topic, am looking fwd to more of it , of course in the right doses, which u seem to know! i must say, that today i had to give a lec demo on dance and our religion etc to germans and i took a lot of ur thoughts on Bindi, mantra, deepam and visiting temple concepts to blend with my concepts of dance...after all it is called Temple dance, and it was fulfilling to give these other aspects of our culture too .....and it made me also so satisfied and it gave a wholesome finish and connection with indian dance.....and many of them understood and appreciated the these concepts, and philosophical meanings! So thanks once again to you for having posted all these , it gave me an opportunity to share all this knowledge with more people![/quote]
Dear Pavithra, As far as I know, there is no code to recite the Gita. Normally people chant 15 th chapter before eating food. If time permits, 12 & 15 are chanted everyday. I have given Gita Sapthashloki - please refer to the shloka index. If time permits, chant that everyday. Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitra, I am so happy that you are writing now about Vedanta and Gita. I am thrilled and will now be waiting with great anticipation to further posts from you on these subjects. I cannot express my thanks to you in words. Knowing you, I am sure that you will be writing in simple and very understandable manner. Gita, I am sure is a treasure trove and like others here say, will reveal itself in different lights at different times of our lives. You keep saying that you are still a student of Gita and I can see why you say so. I am excited that I will be reading your understanding and your interpretation of it. This will be a great guidance to me in understanding when reading the Gita. L, Kamla
Dear Kamla, Thanks for your F b. I was beginning to worry if you have "deserted me" ! - thank God, you have'nt & I know, you will not, also !! You are a student of the Gita as well. So please share your views & interpretation freely - it will be my pleasure. Let us travel together on this journey, my dearest friend ! Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitra, That exactly what i mean there is summarize of gita, which i want to read, i can't read tamil, but that would be helpful if u send me english version, take ur time. Thanx a lot in advance, Cheers