Why Calcutta's Park Street gang rape victim chose to disclose her idetity, herself ?

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by indianguy2010, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. indianguy2010

    indianguy2010 IL Hall of Fame

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    BBC News - Why an India rape victim disclosed her identity

    In the above news, the courage of the gang rape victim is something really laudable. After Mamta Banarjee named the said incident as a 'dispute between a service provider and her clients' and said that it is a stage managed show to malign her Government, the victim must have sensed twice the pain of the actual rape.

    Her assertion that she would no longer wants to live in hiding as a criminal.....and the way she is helping other sexual assault and domestic violence victims ......are things worth saluting.!

  2. arch1209

    arch1209 Platinum IL'ite

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    Re: Why Calcutta's Park Street gang rape victim chose to disclose her idetity, hersel

    If one looks at the history of activism and social movements to fight domestic violence and sexual violence - the movements have largely been heralded by survivors/ victims of violence.

    I appreciate Ms. Jordan's efforts it is laudable to come out and talk about it. I hope inspires others too, but having said that I also believe that healing is different for different people. While Ms. Jordan has reached a place where she is able to open up about her experience, there are some others that are not there yet and it is okay if they don't want to disclose.

    Hats off to Ms. Jordan

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