Hi Lovely Ladies, I am looking for Potato Smilies which are shaped like smily face and a very favourite among kids . They are a nice snack during parties. But I looked in many stores such as Safeway, Target but I could not find them here in US. In India they were easily available even in the smallest grocery shops. Can anyone guide me if they have ever seen or bought the smilies in US. A Picture is attached for your reference Many Thanks Stuti
I checked in Walmart today, did not get them there as well. I am so desperate to have them... Please keep an eye whenever any of you visit grocery shops. Thanks
Check in the grocery store frozen aisle near the french fries. The potato smiles are made by McCain. I get them at my local Albertsons-which is affiliated with Vonns (west coast), Jewel-Osco (midwest), and Shaws (North East). Safeway or Kroger may also carry them, but I don't really know, since those stores are further from my house.
Hey thanks Cissy. I will check in Vons this weekend. Safeway, Target , Walmart, Costco - its sad that noone carry these.
mccain brand has these smilies..check out with stores that have this brand..Smiles® you get them even in india..