I was asked a question , which I have not yet been able to solve. If you have an answer please post it here: Question: 3 friends sharing a room for rent Rs.75/- per month. They sent Rs.75/- to the landloard through their maid. The landloard took Rs.70/- and returned back Rs.5 /- The maid had a tea for Rs. 2/- and returned back Rs. 3/- to the friends, so that each one gets Rs.1/- back, now the 3 friends were calculating the whole thing , as they go Rs.1/- back they have individually spent only Rs.24/- each, which totals to Rs.24/- x 3 =Rs.72/- + Rs.2/- for the tea the maid had, so the total is Rs.74/- whereas they have actually spent Rs.75/-. Where is the 1 rupee?
Hi, I came across this puzzle before. This is just a tricky puzzle which makes you think a lotttttt. You almost know the answer and then... hushhhhhhh you are back to square one. the friends paid 24 per head including the the 2 to the waiter (72 + 2). they all have one rupee in the pocket. 72 +2+3 = 75.
Hi Anu, true they have rs.1 in their pocket which makes 24 x 3 =72 + 2 for the tea = 74, 74 -75 = Rs.1 balance, which they dont have ?????????