Hello friends Every one of us come up with umpteen questions when it comes to health related topics. I still vividly remeber going to my child's Pediatrician with a long list of questions regarding my baby during her first check up. Friends, Doctors, health magazines all give us different answers and ultimately we end up even more confused. But based on our experience we do look up to any one of them for our health related queries. Take up this week's poll topic and let us know what you think about it by posting your comments here.
Re: When you or a family member has a .....Poll for 15th April 2007 to 21st April 200 Dear Kamla, For last couple of days i was wondering where is this week poll & just saw this poll. Well now a days due to increase of internet awareness, we prefer to find out with internet before go to doctor & now u get enough information & convenient too. So I prefer internet at least u came to know what happened to U after searching the symptoms in the internet. There is so many sites now a days available with doctor recommendations:2thumbsup: