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When Breath Becomes Air- Book Review

Discussion in 'Book Lovers' started by blackbeauty84, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    This book was in my to read list ever since I got to know about Paul Kalanidhi last year. Rarely you come across a book which makes a profound impact at life and this book is one such. One of a rare book which made my eyes moist and I’m still yet to come to reality.

    Paul Kalanidhi a neurosurgeon /author of this book suffered from a terminal cancer and this book is his journey with the cancer. Though Paul wrestled between medicine and literature , his love for his profession is very evident through the incidents he narrates. The way his family stands up at times of crisis and love between the couple is astounding. Epilogue by Paul’s wife Lucy is heart touching and I admire her strength.

    When you put down this book, you feel like hugging Paul’s family and cry with them for the loss of Paul.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    This has been on my to-read list for a while. Started it twice but stopped as it needs contiguous and focused time. This one and Sheryl Sandberg's "Option B ...", I've been meaning to complete for a while.

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