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What's Wrong With Me? Why Cant I Just Listen?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by BeautifulSmile, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    I dont know why I feel frustrated:

    My in laws are here for 6 months, I dont know how already one month over. MIL is a totally new person, no issues with her (knock on the wood). I am also not stressing myself, just trying to be comfortable with my own dressing, that made a big relief to me. She didnt say anything. Its not only this many more things, she is just not complaining about me and my husband. 5 more months to go, will see. I am also asking them to stay for few more months after 6 months, we will apply for extension whole heartedly. I cook 3 different meals for 3 times : 1 type of meals for in laws, 1 type of meals for husband and 1 type of meal for kids. There is a reason these meals are different for everyone. No complaints, its a lot but I and my hubby together are able to ahndle it. I try 1000% to not MIL to work except some cooking if I dont know or if that needs to be made hot and eat immediately. She is good with that.

    Here is one complaint I have about myself: Every morning, at 7am she wakes up and walks to the kitchen and starts her night struggle stories. One day I couldnt sleep, how many times she went to bathrroms, what messages she checked when not asleep, or had cramp in leg and suffered so much, had a heart burn. Its that detail this discussion goes on and on for 1.5 hours till I try to complete my cooking and get escape from there. Where as my husband with serious face and tone, oh my god oh my god experssion. They both talk like something major issue had happened. I take sleeping pills every night , my firend is 24 she has sleeping problems too. But why this is a such big discussion and expect you to respond with lot of sympathy. Everything is big scene, look without holding wall I cant wear sandals. Looks I struggle to go down stairs, look I cant easily sit like a teenager in car and get off, its non stop list.

    Is it old age thing, they complain and talk like this? what is it? If its oldage thing , I want to be there for them. but I get frustrated as soon as she opens her bed room door as I know these conversations will happen. I hate myself for feeling this way. I also hate my MIL because she constantly afte FIL and says he slept so much. He ates so much, etc. I am like he is your husband, why in every phone she complanints to everyone: yea he eats happy, he sleeps happy, ugh.

    I think he wont do anyting, including coffee its served either by me or her to his chair. May be she jealous, at the same time she is the one pampering him.

    Can someone correct me if I am wrong.

  2. ProudIndian

    ProudIndian Gold IL'ite

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    Its old age thing. My mother also does this. What you can do show her manifestation videos and tell her whatever she talk will get attracted to her. If she talks about pain more pain will come to her. If she talks negative more bad things will happen. This will help her to reduce complaining. There are so many videos about positive thinking, manifestation etc. Make her practice that.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    She is bored and it is also old age. Just nod while doing your work. Sometimes if people don’t have other things going on then they become overly focused on what most people would consider minutiae.
    Why do you want to extend their stay? Are they asking? Six months is a long time. It might be better to go back, have a break and then return.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  4. BeautifulSmile

    BeautifulSmile Silver IL'ite

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    They make my husband run on constant guilt trips by projecting all these issues for not being in India. I get it, I equally feel guilty for not being there for them and my dad. Their entire family ( sons/fathers/ grandfathers etc) are into business, no one leaves the city and abviously they end up taking care of parents. With that always we feel guilty and thinking for them only to move to India but that option slowly getting ruled out due to my tennager. Only option we are considering is, either him or I go live with them and one stay here with kids. At least if they stay few additional months extra, we can take care of them for more months.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    You are not wrong in feeling like you do. Take care of your sanity and patience reserves. 5 months is a long time. Start using noise canceling headphones MWF. Just put them in the ears, need not be playing any audio.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  6. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Are your in-laws in poor health?
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  7. mangaii

    mangaii Platinum IL'ite

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    Your husband will figure out a way to take care of his parents. Don't project his guilt on your head and try to solve non-existing problem
    Accept you won't be there to take care of them. Make arrangements for care.
    Splitting family, extending visa are done with haste without much thinking . Don't try to be martyr of the situation. Accept the problem and deal with consequence instead of trying to fixing it. This is curse of all NRIs. We moved out for opportunities and money. Family back home enjoyed the luxury. Once kids hit teenage years it is not like we can turn back and go. We need to accept the prize we have to pay for this decision. Once you accept it is easier to solve.
    You seem to be overly invested in this whole situation. None of your solutions are sustainable in my opinion.
    In simple terms you are over doing to compensate for you being a absent DIL. Not needed just be your own self.
    No one needs to be served coffee in their place unless they are immobile. Considering your FIL is running a business, I'm sure he can walk few steps to pick up coffee. Your MIL will complain about sleep if she doesn't get any physical activity. Mobility is so important especially in old age. You are setting up everything for them to whine and complain. Unless you change you approach towards your problem nothing will change.
    Give them prep work like cutting veggies. Not sure if you have instant pot. Ask MIL to keep rice, daal when needed. Make some ready made food options for them. Just wondering in the next 5 months if you fall sick will you still be able to manage to prepare 3 diff meals 3 times a day.
  8. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    Both my in laws are young and in good health. My fil does this. If he catches me, I'm screwed. He will not only whine about his night sleep and urine issues but also what all he saw on fb, his religious views for the day, his flavor of the day video on control his diabetes based on some video he saw and the list goes on....and my in laws stay with me 9 out of 12 months. He won't stop till I get out of the place. I understand your pain. It's frustrating to hear this every damn day.

    At least your husband also hears them out. Mine is not even at home when this happens and when I tell my fil politely to tell his issues to his own son, he will say "But Oh! My son is busy and doesn't have time to listen to my problems". Same if both my in laws need groceries and stuff, even if I tell them to send the list to my husband, they will say..."Oh our son works hard and we can't burden him with this. So you go get us this list." Just because I'm home .....

    My fil won't enter the kitchen too. His reason everyday - I grew up in a family where women cooked. Thankfully my mil cooks for him. Yet he will waltz into my kitchen and if I'm making something for me, he won't even ask and taste it. He cannot adjust to anyone. Rather, everyone has to adjust to him. He will do as he pleases in my house and no one can tell him anything.

    Since he won't change his views and God help him if my mil passes before him because I have made up my mind not to deal with chauvinists like him due to these issues.

    Right now for 3 whole months (sadly that's coming to an end in the next 3 weeks), I am absolutely enjoying the peace and quiet of my own home after a long long time.
    Thyagarajan, radv and BeautifulSmile like this.
  9. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    How did you bring about the change in dressing.

    I think your inlaws are feeling happy and seeing you as their own daughter and not dil, and so sharing their problems. What else would they have to talk at this age. Just dont take it to heart and tell them its age related issues. If its a serious problem, then action has to be taken.
    BeautifulSmile likes this.
  10. mangaii

    mangaii Platinum IL'ite

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    @gamma50g what is your husband’s take on your in-laws taking up your time and energy rather than their son ?
    Is he fine with it ?
    9/12 is really harsh . If they are healthy is there is a reason for their long stay here ?
    Looks like household is run you and husband brings in money . Not sure if you want change . If yes keep talking to husband. Initially there will be lot of resistance but eventually they will be on-board. Don’t accept this as norm . If possible see you can get a part time job not for money but once you aren’t there your in-laws will learn to live .
    Thyagarajan, gamma50g and Rihana like this.

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