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What's Life without Achievement!!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Akanksha1982, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Life in US is so boring without any achievements. Life in India is so interesting with so many achievements. By the end of the day, everyone in India has at least one or more of the following achievements to feel proud about, to talk about in office, with friends, neighbors etc.

    Right from the morning, there is achievement in filling all the available vessels in the house with water (whether needed or not) so we that we can boast that we have enough water and laugh at neighbors who run out of water.

    Getting the maid to do our dishes first and then others and if by chance our maid shows up and the neighbor's maid doesn't - that's a great achievement.

    If neighbor waited for an hour for their turn at a famous restaurant, then waiting their for two hours for getting our turn is another achievement.

    During traffic signal, going every available inch near the signal and blocking the guy in the front, only to have him yield to us before letting him go, such a big achievement.

    During traffic signal, continuously beeping and if by chance the light turns green, feeling proud that the light turned green due to our beeping

    Sending kids to two more tuition than the neighbor's kids.

    Getting train/plane tickets at the last moment paying much more.

    Buying the latest Iphone/tablets etc.

    Going on foreign tours before the neighbors, friends.

    Buying designer sarees, dresses more expensive than neighbor's, friend's

    Watching movies on the first day

    Sending kids to famous colleges with donation or influence

    Kids getting higher rank than the neighbor's kids

    Paying higher donation for pre-KG in so called reputed school.

    Renovating the house for 6-8 months, the more the merrier.

    Lying to neighbor when the neighbor comes to ask for some yogurt, milk, salt etc.

    Lying on the phone, not receiving the phone, etc.

    Reading neighbor's newspaper before the neighbor wakes up.

    Having electricity working in our building but not in neighbor's building.

    Getting driving license without even having to take road test.

    Squeezing inside bus/train and getting the seat disregarding others.

    Paying cops who stops for a traffic infraction and getting away.

    Paying whoever for whatever favors not avail to others.

    and so forth.

    Compare that to Life in US.

    Drive in lanes. if the traffic is slow, just follow the traffic.

    Can't beep in the cars.

    Follow the traffic rules even if the signal is not working.

    All kids go to the same school.

    Kid's grades are private. No one knows what other's got.

    Stores are open 24x7, neighbor doesn't show up for milk, yogurt etc. Actually love when neighbor shows up.

    Hardly meet any neighbor for months. Most likely you would meet the neighbor in the plane than on the street.

    No one interested in the clothes you wear (even if you wear non-matching by mistake).

    No one interested in knowing where you are going for vacation.

    No huge lines at restaurants. If not you, others ahead of you in the line will leave for other restaurant.

    Just monotonous life. No achievements to brag about. No achievements to talk about.
    anika987, dsmenon, Scorpio707 and 8 others like this.

  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Akanksha dear so nicely you have narrated the difference between India and US life which is so true. But for people like me who stay in Inida love to visit foreign countries and enjoy the life there thought we cant stay for a long time. Now I am in Dubai and enjoying visiting all places , luxuriously sitting in a car , spending time with my grand daughter who is super active all day, though she does not eat much and surprising she does not like chocolates when her grand mother in this age also loves chocolates , especially the ones in which badam or something is there. The things in Mall attract me very much. This time thought wont buy anything but could not and my daughter and sil have bought so many things including a new mobile Huawei for me. They know I am fond of everything in life. Like to buy things from 5 dhms shop or whenever there is a sale. Today also some new shop is opening and lot of items are there where the rice is less .

    Like you I also feel life is nothing without any achievement. Glad that I am able to spend my retired life fruitfully, writing in IL, thanks to IL and active in face book, posting the creative crafts and jewellery I make and I am very happy when someone appreciates and feel like doing more
  3. GoogleGlass

    GoogleGlass IL Hall of Fame

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    Being A82's write-up, am really confused how to perceive the inner meaning :):):)
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  4. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    Is there so many achievements in India?Then you really miss them.
    anika987, Akanksha1982 and Shina like this.
  5. RedFlower

    RedFlower Silver IL'ite

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    A82's different angle of thinking and perceiving the right inner meaning without getting confused is also an achievement
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  6. VaniVyas

    VaniVyas Platinum IL'ite

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    I always loved your narrations. But this time a little worried.

    I don't know if my understanding is at fault, if so please correct me.

    So you mean to say, Indians boost about and find happiness in these small envious act. Do we all really feel jealous and live our life just trying to prove that we are better off than our neighbors...... eh...... NOT REALLY RIGHT.thinkingsmiley

    But of course we find little happiness in moving closer to the next vehicle in a traffic jam. Many of us thinks that by moving an inch closer you can stop the neighbor from coming in b/w your line and thus save a few seconds....Fighting for children’s grade, school and their careers are slowly taking a back seat in many cities. Today at least from our generation onwards parents no longer see doctors and engineers as the only profession exiting for a bright future.....(this line is based on my personal experience from school and the city where i belonged to)
    Ya but we all have something to talk about like: how our predication came true that AAP will defeat BJP... actually we can take about anything.... But not always envious achievements ah..... notdonesmiley
  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Akanksha I am sure achievements are equally high in US. Kids returning home from school without getting shot by classmates . Being able to walk peacefully on the street without getting mugged by a felon or mauled by a cop is another achievement. Life is packed with such excitements in US isn't it.?.
    4 people like this.
  8. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Akansha,

    HAHA. you see what others miss.How come i never noticed these things in india ?
    Cant stop laughing at yr sense of humor. a few others have not got yr point. yes, there no one cares where u go for holdiay, here u brag about it.i have a friend, who , may have gone to Chandigarh, but tells everyone that he went to Canada.How come he came back in 4 days from canada eh ! He must be flying a supersonic plane eh !

    Super one this.


  9. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Viji ma, your enthusiasm and positive thinking is always an inspiration. I also do not like chocolates, not even in cake or ice cream. Somehow, i am tired of Malls and don't like to go unless i have to.

    Glad to know that you are enjoying your stay there. But yes, even with all the off-shore luxuries, we still miss our good old Indian environment.
    anika987 likes this.
  10. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey GG, was on my way back from work and struck in traffic and the thought came across and penned it as soon as I came home, thinking it will go away. Didn't get time to wrap it nicely or even reviewing the grammar. So this was just plain raw.

    Whenever I call India to our relatives, friends or colleagues, they always have ample stories to tell about what they did, what others did etc. Over here, we never have any good stories or as i called "achievements" to share. May be the grass is greener always on the other side.
    3 people like this.

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