Dear Pavithra, Thankyou for your mail. I am very thankful to you for your words "after reading ur posts, I think I am prepared to "devour" more...makes me come closer to my inner self." That is my purpose ! Let me share some thoughts with you. Bhakthi margam is always easy & enjoyable. But at some stage we must atleast attempt to know what Jnana margam means, leave alone learning about it. In our society the general thinking is " why learn vedanta at a young age? - let us wait till we grow old to learn it, which is fit only for old people". This is a general misconception, shared all over. But my teacher says, vedanta texts like Gita answers so many questions in life & is very much a practical code. The earlier you learn it, the more our inner pesonality starts evolving. Counselling in Gita, I will even say, is the bottom line of present day counselling ! Could there have been a more confused man than Arjuna, in the beginning of Gita ? But you seem to be very young & unless you are blessed with God's Grace, you will not even feel like showing some interest in such (so called) abstract topics. But, please remember, I am just a student, still learning & am just sharing my limited little knowledge with you all. It is not at all comprehensive & I may not be able to answer many questions raised by you. When I write this thread, I literally put the responsibility on God saying "Krishnarapanam". It is His responsibility to guide me right. I am sure, you did'nt ask for such a long reply !! Love, Chithra.
Dear Chithra, Thank you for this response. I just saw the thread on Gita Waiting for more.. with love Pavithra
Mrs.C... pls do continue your good work. :2thumbsup: I was tied down with school & sometimes there just isn't any time for want I would like to do. Will check every now & then & read-up your threads. L.
Dear Lavanya, Thankyou ! I am already at it, F Y I ! Please join us whenever time permits. Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitra Mam, Thanks for such a blissful post.I have noted the RIDE formula for Karma Yoga.I loved the last line which depicts a Karma Yogi. So doing right action with the right attitude without expecting anything is Karma Yoga.My materialistic mind seems very far from such a goal.But hope HE will shower his grace for the same provided I make sincere efforts,right? ammu