What is your deepest desire? society has complicated our minds to be a certain way to do this and that and so much mental conditioning sit in a quiet place and when you ask yourself what do you want..what’s your answer? Let me begin with me.. I want to eat well! Sleep well and live in a decent house in my home country.Want to watch movies in theatres often and maybe go on small trips or hill stations and visit temples.I also want to live in nature far away and peacefully eat pray and sleep no matter what I search inside nothing else seems to matter anymore. wats yours?
I want that monkey in my brain to stop swinging around for the love of God and go take a banana break. I want to reach inside my brain and find that pause button.
Exactly what you said resonates deeply with me. I had a similar realization while lying on a hospital bed, preparing for an emergency surgery. At that moment, I wasn’t sure if I would wake up afterward or how much time I would have left, even if the surgery was successful, as we were still awaiting the biopsy results. In that moment of vulnerability, I made a promise to myself: to give my soul the love it deserves and to put myself first—not at the expense of others but in harmony with them. The first thing I did after that life-altering experience was to apply for a sabbatical, determined to realign my life. My top priority was to return to my hometown. It wasn’t easy, but within a year, we managed to re-establish our lives in Sri Lanka, and now, we are cherishing every moment of it. People often say, “We only live once, so enjoy it.” But I say, “We only die once, so make sure you truly enjoy living.”
I want to stay in a small foreign town close to a city for as long as i can without fear of being judged/ridiculed by so called relatives from my home country but just with loved ones that I have right now and make a peaceful living with new life. I would like to retire there and have a small farm in my backyard to have my own veggies and with pets - a cat and a dog. I wish I never want to go back to my home country and endure what I endured for past 30 years. If I get a amnesia button to forget those that's even better. Just peaceful memories to make.
Best revenge is living well.. yes u have every right to live where u feel Peacefully but not without giving a good fight.. When I mean fight not with words but they should know u r happy and living well. Keep boundaries and get stronger .Stronger not physically or mentally but getting better and feeling more empowered.Its the best medicine for us. Good luck and all will be happy
I want sleep! With my teenage boys and a toddler girl, i am hard pressed for sleep. So for the next two years, i just want to sleep and sleep and sleep until i feel rejuvenated.
This looks like your need, and not want. If I were you, I would want to stay at my own place with my own people to enjoy life and make memories and want my nosy relatives to go to some small town, far away from my sight, so that they can't poke their nose into my business anymore. The rest sounds great, like having your farm in the backyard and grow your own veggies with pets etc... I too like to retire this way, but in my home country
Living well is awesome revenge on its own, but it's also important to sprinkle a little "look how great I'm doing" for others to see. A carefully crafted, infrequent FB post does wonders in this direction and takes very little effort. Throw out a tiny indication of I am doing great, but do not shout it from rooftops. If not on FB then there is always that mutual contact who can be relied upon to convey your life events to them.