The 1500+ IL ites are very rich. I tell this only because we could discuss everything here. Our basic amenities are full filled. And we enjoy most of the pleasures of life. So we can discuss about everything and we begin to complain even for silly matters of life. Last month I visited two places both gave my family a bitter but sweet lesson. The first one was an orphanage with 110 and people who are ladies and girls. It is managed by a middle aged couple in a house with five bedrooms donated by some one (or themselves?). I could see many children and aged some are mentally retarded and other handicapped, and orphans. I have visited some other orphanages but this was different. The house is full and they need more space and trying to build a new building. All the children gathered around us greeting, asking our names and how are you like that... I couldn’t see the bedridden children because they were on the first floor and the stairs were filled with children. Tears fell down it was from my mind, the only thing that I thought at that time was thanking God for giving us a very good life... They have no dreams like us and the only thing they need is food and shelter. So they do not complain and happy with that kind of life. The next visit was to a lady’s house who is the new helper of our house. She is a goldsmith’s wife with two children, one is married. Her husband is sick and so she works in the neighboring houses. Her younger daughter earns 240rupees weekly from a textile shop. We visited her house to see her new grand daughter. The house is only a two room hut, with mud and brick. And the delivered woman lies down in a mat just like I felt in a tank. Only one and half cent land they have in this earth. So they are lucky. They could even make a hut. all her husband’s siblings are middle class families and they wanted partition of their ten cent land and family house, so at last they got this one and half cent. I cannot forget these pictures in my life. Please keep a little money everyday from whatever you earn, or spend to give this poor people. Take your children to these places to show them how the poor lives. Just wanted to share with you all.
Dear Safa, That was a very touching post.....and that's reality side we talk of India get economically richer and still there are so many with no proper shelter and food.....thanks for sharing this through your post...shows how deeplyyou were affected.
Dear Safa, That's really very touchy. What i find in Canada, people love to help others, volunteer etc. My hubby's office collecting things for poor people in thanksgiving. I thing we should donate the things if we can. To help other needy people.
very thought provoking Hi Safa, When I read your post I remembered a small poem we learnt as kids. Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make a mighty ocean and a pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Make our earth an <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Eden</st1lace></st1:City> like the heaven above. I think it was very gracious of you to ask everyone to help the needy. If everybody helps others in their own capacity, the world would surely be better off. I would like to add my two cents – Vidhya Daanam Maha daanam. I sponsor a little girl’s education. I take care of all her expenses including the socks and shoes she needs for her school year. I believe food given (anna-daanam) satisfies man for a day, but to empower man to make his own living by giving education (vidya-daanam) enables him to support himself and his dependents all his life. There is also a Chinese teaching which says “It is better to teach a man to fish than giving him a fish”. Regards, Sharada
Great Post Safa! In india especially there are millions of abandoned, handicapped kids, girlswho are raped, homeless , penniless people. When we come to advanced countries like America, we can seeso much of wastage-- of water , food. Everytime i think "Gwarsh this amount of wastage can feed nearly 1/2 the poverty population in India!!!". U are right safa "Tiny droplets of water do make an ocean" I think we all should contribute a little of what we have on a weekly/monthly basis -- either as cash or kind, and truly truly thank God for what He has given us!! An enlightening post girlie! Great! Purnima
dear Sudha, Cheer, Sharada and Purnima, very happy to see your messages and I hope at least a few of the ILites might have decided to help the needy...And Sharada you are doing a great job! May God help you all to continue with your good intentions... thank you,
Thanks to sharada madam and safa for the link and kind gestures to mankind. Yes our duty to take care of needy ones with whatever way possible. Service to society is our Mother India's Culture and traditions. subbu