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Was My Toastmasters Listening Skills Poor? Did I Push Person Away?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by ChennaiExpress, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. ChennaiExpress

    ChennaiExpress IL Hall of Fame

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    @whistle please provide feedback

    Last week, I gave emotional speech, and it mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted me, Gave Emotional Speech, Head Was Shaking, Embarrassed In Front Of 3 Handsome Young Men

    After the speech a young lady (also desi, from Kerela, doing post doctorate in USA, DH, MIL back in India), came up to me and expressed interest in joining Toastmasters. I got her the last application and tried to explain the complicated pricing scheme, i.e headquarters fee, plus club fees, and pay prorated amount for 6 month period.

    Instead of asking another officer for assistance, I said she can submit membership application next week, i.e. tomorrow.

    Also, when she asked for my email address, I didn't have the sense to ask for her email address. On one hand, that is probably good, because who wants to be pushy person, pressuring people to join their club. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have acquaintance.

    See, my listening skills needs lots of improvements. And now, nearly after a week, I am remembering that maybe I could have handled this situation better.

    I hope the lady still joins Toastmasters. The more, the merrier!!!

    But I am feeling bad because who knows how many people I unknowingly push away because I am too tired at the moment, or my empathy/listening skills need practice.

    Even when people asked me questions at the end of the Toastmasters meeting in open forum, the other officers had to rephrase it for me so I can understand and answer properly.

  2. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    Been there done that many times.

    I tend to explain the benefit, fees of toastmasters than getting the person's contact details. I'm of the opinion a person who knows what value toastmaster brings will find a way to approach the club.

    On the other hand if you are very tired just introduce the interested person to VP-membership. In our club we used to have post meeting snacks, so that post the meeting interested persons and club officers can talk in leisure.
    ChennaiExpress likes this.
  3. ChennaiExpress

    ChennaiExpress IL Hall of Fame

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    I like the idea of post meeting snacks...

    This week the same lady came and I was the only officer present. She said she will apply next week.
  4. whistle

    whistle Silver IL'ite

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    @ChennaiExpress, it happens!

    most people's opinion is that toastmasters is a place to learn public speaking. but once you join, you also learn that you learn to listen - critically, emphatically, etc. which in itself is also a skill which you develop over time.

    one thing which will get your listening skill up is speech evaluation. the challenge is that if you are evaluating a speech, you tend to listen to it more keenly as compared to the other speeches happening during the same meeting. with practice this gets better.

    couple of things which will help is, to have a sign up sheet and make sure the guests put their details on this as they come in. this is normally the job of the club secretary to collect the information and put it in the minutes of the meeting every week.

    as the president, you also should introduce the other officers, at every meeting start and encourage the members and guests alike to approach any of them with any questions.

    you have taken a great step in taking up the role of president. keep at it, you will come out better and better
    ChennaiExpress and vaidehi71 like this.
  5. ChennaiExpress

    ChennaiExpress IL Hall of Fame

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    That's what I shall do .... briefly introduce officers present.

    And sign-up sheet .... perhaps I can tape it up somewhere because passing it around was distracting, easy to get lost, etc .....

    Great ideas!!!

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