hi IL's, can any one of u give me the lyrics of "Suddha brahma " song from sriramadasu plzzz... Thanks in advance
Hi Srijini, here goes the lyrics of the song u mentioned Shuddha brahma paratpara rama kalatmaka parameshwara rama ---Repeat sesha talpa sukha nidhritha raama brahmadyamara prardhita rama ---Repeat rama rama jaya raja rama rama rama jaya seeta rama ---Repeat priya guha vinivedhitha pada rama sabari dutta phalasala rama ---Repeat hanumath sevitha nija pada rama seeta praanadhaaraka rama rama rama jaya raja rama rama rama jaya seeta rama Shuddha brahma paratpara rama kalatmaka parameshwara rama
hi lyrics of the song "Suddha Brahma" from Ramadasu movie :thumbsup Suddha Brahma paratpara Ram Kalathmaka Parameswara Ram Sesha Talpa Sukha Nidritha Ram Bramhadhyamara Prardithta Ram Rama Rama Jaya Raja Ram Rama Rama Jaya Sitha Ram priya guha vinivedita pada ram shabari datta phalashana ram hanumat-sevita nijapada ram sitA prana taraka ram This is from Nama Ramayanam here is the full text SHRI NAMA RAMAYANAM 1. BALA KAANDAM SHUDHA BRAHMA PARATPARA RAM Lord Rama, Who is Pure and absolute Brahman, KALATHMAGA PARAMESHWARA RAM Rama, the essence of Time, the Lord Supreme, SHESHADALPA SUKANITHRITHA RAM Rama, blissfully reposing on Shesha as his bed, BRAHMATYAMARA PRARTHITHA RAM Rama, worshipped by all Gods, beginning from Brahma CHANDAKIRANAKULA MANDANA RAM Rama, who adorned the solor race, SHRIMATH DASHARATHA NANDANA RAM Rama,(Who manifested as) the Son of Dasaratha, KOUSALYA SUKAVARTHANA RAM Rama, who enhanced the (peace and) happiness of Kaushalya (His mother), VISHVAMITHRA PRIYATHANA RAM Rama, the beloved wealth of Viswamitra (sage teacher) GORA THADAKA KATHAKA RAM Rama, Who destroyed the (demoness) Tataka, the ferocious, MARICHATHI NIPATHAKA RAM Rama, Who(also) overcame the demons Maricha and others, KOUSHIKA MAKA SAMRAKSHAKA RAM Rama, Who protected the sacrifice of the Sage Kaushika, SHRIMATH HALYOTHARAKA RAM Rama, Who gave Salvation to Ahalya, GOUTAMA MUNI SAMPOOJITHA RAM Rama, Who was worshipped by sages like Gautama, SURAMUNIVARAGANA SAMSTHUTHA RAM Rama, Who was Praised By great Gods and sages alike, NAVIKATHAVITHA MRUTHAPATHA RAM Rama, Who(having very) soft feet, was carried across water by a boatman, MITHILAPURAJANA MOHAKA RAM Rama, Who was the object of infatuation of the citizens of Mithila, VIDEHA MANASA RANJAKA RAM Rama, Who was source of great joy for Janaka’s mind, THRIYAMBAKA KARMUKA PANCHAKA RAM Rama, Who broke the bow of Siva (which others could not lift), SEETHARPITHA VARAMAALIKA RAM Rama, Who was offered the garland by Sita (in Marriage) KRUTHAVAIVAHIKA KOUTHUKA RAM Rama, Who was applauded by all for this wonderful marriage, BARGAVA DARPA VINACHAKA RAM Rama, Who chastised the pride of Bhargava, SHRIMATHYODHYA BALAKA RAM Rama, Who Protected the Citizens of Ayodhya RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) Shrimad: “ having divine Grace” used throughout text as term of respect Ahalya: A sage who had been turned into stone by curse of the irascible yogi, Durvasa -Gana : means “Crowds of “ or Congregations of” … throughout this text Videha : “Without body-idea “ --- here it may thus mean “Janaka” or “those who have transcended body – Consciousness. Bhargava : Parasuram – the haughty champion of the Brahmins. 2. AYODHYA KAANDAM AGANITHA GUNA GANA BHOOSHITHA RAM Rama, endowed with innumerable divine qualities, AVANEE THANAYAA KAAMITHA RAM Rama, sought in marriage by the daughter – of Earth(sita), RAGAA CHANDRA SAMAANANA RAM Rama, bright as the moon on a pitch dark night, PITHRU VAAKYA SRUTHA KAANANA RAM Rama,Who while in the forest literally followed His father’s Commands, PRIYA GUHA VINIVEDHITHA PADHA RAM Rama, to Whom the beloved Guha surrendered himself at His feet, THATHKSHALITHA NIJA MRUTHUPATHA RAM Rama, whose tender feet were gently washed by Guha, BHARADWAAJA MUKHA NANDHANA RAM Rama, Who brought great delight to Bharadwaja, CHITHRA KUTAADHRI NIKETHANA RAM Rama, Who resorted to the Chitrakut mountain, DHASARATHA SANTHATHA CHINTHITHA RAM Rama, Who was constantly remembered bt Dasaratha, KAIKEYEE <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">THANA</st1lace></st1:City> YAARTHITHA RAM Rama, Who was venerated By Kaikeyi’ Son Bharatha, VIRACHITHA NIJA PITHRU KARMAKA RAM Rama, Who performed devotedly (though in exile) His parents last rites, BHARATHAARPITHA NIJA PAADHUKA RAM Rama, Who gave his own sandals to Bharata. RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) 3. AARANYA KAANDAM DHANDA KAAVANA JANA PAAVANA RAM Rama, the Savior of the people of the forest Dandaka, DHUSHTA VIRAAGHA VINAASANA RAM Rama, Killer of the mischievous Rakshasha, Viradha, SARA BHANGA SUDHEEKSHINA AARCHEETHARAM Rama, worshipped by the rishis Sharabhanga and Sutikshna, AGASTHYA NUGRAHA VARDHITHA RAM Rama, who was helped towards greatness by Agastya’s (a sage’s) kindness, KRUDHRAA DHIPA SAM SEVITHA RAM Rama, Who was served by the birds king (Jatayu) PANCHA VATEE THATA SUSTHITHA RAM Rama, Who lived happily in the edge of the forest Panchavati, SOORPANAKAARTHI VIDHAAYAKA RAM Rama,Who was the cause of Shurpanakha’s misery, KHARA DHOOSHANA MUKHA SOODHAKA RAM Rama,Who dried up the faces of (killed) the demons Khara and Dushana (“avengers” of Shurpanakha), SEETHA PITHA HARI NAANUGA RAM Rama, Who followed the deer that was dear to Sita, MAAREECHAARTHI KRUDHAA SUGA RAM Rama, Who caused by his arrows, Maricha’s (a Rakshasa’s )suffering VINISHTA SEETHAAN VESHAKA RAM Rama, the Seeker of the stolen Sita, KRUDHRAADHIPA GATHI DHAAYAKA RAM Rama, Who was the giver of Salvation to jatayu SABAREE DHATHA PALAASANA RAM Rama, Who are the Fruits given by Shabari, KABANDHA BAAHUCH CHEDANA RAM Rama, Who cut off the arms of Kabandha (a Rakshasa) RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) RAKSHASHA = Demon (enemies of Rama) Shurpanakha : Sister of Ravana, (demon king of <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Ceylon</st1lace></st1:country-region>) whose nose Lakshmana Cut off because she was about to swallow Sita. Shabari : An aged hermitess who had waited for Rama since youth, and kept fruits for Him. 4. KISHKINDA KAANDAM HANUMATH SEVITHA NIJA PADHA RAM Rama, Whose own feet were served by Hanuman, NATHA SUGREEVA BHEESHTADHA RAM Rama, Who fulfilled the desires of the humble Sugriva (King of the monkeys) GARVITHA VAALI SAMHAARAKA RAM Rama, the Killer of Proud Vali, VAANARA DHOOTHA PRESHAKA RAM Rama, Who sent the monkey-messengers (to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Ceylon</st1lace></st1:country-region>), HITHAKARA LAKSHMANA SAMYUTHA RAM Rama, always accompanied by Lakshmana (doer of good) RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) Humble: here implies “taking refuge at Rama’s feet” 5. SUNDARA KAANDAM KAPIVARA SAMTHATHA SAMSRUTHA RAM Rama, Whom the great monkey (Hanumaan) always meditated on, THATHGATHI VIGHNA DHVAMSHAKA RAM Rama, by Whom his journey’s obstacles were destroyed SEETHAA PRAANAA DHAARAKA RAM Rama, the Refuge of Sita’s life(Prana) DHUSHTA DHASAANANA DHOOSITHA RAM Rama, by the wicked Ten-faced Ravana reviled, SISHTA HANUMADH BHOOSITHA RAM Rama, by the good natured Hanumaan praised, SEETHAA VEDHITHA KAAKAA VANA RAM Rama, (Who heard), told by Sita, (the story of) the Crow’s rescue, KRUTHA CHOODAAMANI DHARSANA RAM Rama, Who saw the Crest – jewel (of Sita) (brought by Hanumaan) KAPI VARA VACHANA SWASTHITHA RAM Rama, Whom Hanuman’s words comforted. RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) “His” (Hanuman’s) “journey” : “movements” = his journey to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">ceylon</st1lace></st1:country-region> “Crow’s rescue: The crow jayanta wanted to injure Sita, hence Hanuman was about to kill the bird, but Sita saved its life. 6. YUDDHA KAANDAM RAAVANA NIDHANA PRASTHITHA RAM Rama, Who went to kill Ravana, VAANARA SAINYA SAMAAVRUTHA RAM Rama, by mionkey soldiers accompanied SOPITHA SARIDHEE SARTHITHA RAM Rama, to whom (the king of) dried up Ocean prayed, VIBHEESHANAA BHAYA DHAAYAKA RAM Rama, Who gave Bibhishana freedom from fear, PARVATHA SETHU NIBANDHAKA RAM Rama, Who with mountains built a bridge (to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">ceylon</st1lace></st1:country-region>), KUMBHA KARNA SIRA CHEDAKA RAM Rama, Who severed Kumbhakarna’s head( from Body), RAAKSHASA SANGHA VIMARDHANA RAM Rama, the killer of a host of Rakshasas, AHI MAHI RAAVANA CHAARANA RAM Rama, Who pushed down Ahi-Ravana into the nether-World, SAMHRUTHA DHASA MUKHA RAVANA RAM Rama, Who killed the ten-faced Ravana, VIDHI BHAVA MUKHA SURA SAMSTHUTHA RAM Rama, Who was praised by the gods, led by Brahma (VIDHI) and Siva (BHAVA) SWASTHITHA DHASARATHA VEEKSHITHA RAM Rama, Who was seen by the Sky-dweller Dasharatha, SEETHAA DHARSANA MODITHA RAM Rama, Who was happy to see Sita (after Conquering Ceylon) ABHI SHIKTHA VIBHEESHANA NATHA RAM Rama, to whom Bibhishana bowed (i.e became His vassal) after being crowned, PUSHPAKA YAANAA ROHANA RAM Rama, Who travelled well in vehicle called Pushpaka BHARADHWAJAABHI NISHEVANA RAM Rama, Who was served well by Bharadwaja, BHARATHA PRAANAA PRIYAKARA RAM Rama, Who did things pleasing to the heart of Bharata, SAKETHA PURI BHOOSHANA RAM Rama, Ornament of the city Saketa (=Ayodhya) SAKALA SVEYA SAMAANATHA RAM Rama, to Whom all His own(relations) submitted, RATHNA LASATH PEETHASTHITHA RAM Rama, Who sat on the jewel – bedecked throne, PATTAABHI SHEKA LAMKRUTHA RAM Rama, decorated with garlands for coronation, PAARTHIVA KULA SAM MAANITHA RAM Rama, by many kings honored, VIBHEESHANAAR PITHA RANGAKA RAM Rama, to Whom Bibhishana gave many varieties of offerings, KEECHAKULA NUGRUHAKARA RAM Rama, Who showed grace (anugraha) to all (many)monkeys, SAKALA JEEVA SAMRAKSHAKA RAM Rama, the Protector of all Jivas (creatures), SAMASTHA LOKAA DHAARAKA RAM Rama, Who is the basis (support) of all the World. RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) Prayed: i.e an appeal to Rama to repair damage done when He dried up the Ocean to cross to <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Ceylon</st1lace></st1:country-region>. Bibhishana : Youngest brother of Ravana, exiled for his devotion to Rama Kumbhakarna : Second Brother of Ravana AHI-RAVANA : was grandson of Ravana. Rama “pushed him down” into neither world (MAHI) instead of killing Him. Dasharatha : i.e after his death, saw Rama, from heaven. 7. UTTHARA KAANDAM AAGATHA MUNI GANA SAMSTHUTHA RAM Rama, Praised by groups of sages who came to see him, VISRUTHA DHASA KANDOTH BHAVA RAM Rama, Who head (from the sages) of Ravana’s birth, SEETHA LINGANA NIRVRUTHA RAM Rama, Happy in Sita’s embrace, NEETHI SURAKSHITHA JANA PADHA RAM Rama, Who preserved (ruled) with impartiality His Kingdom, VIPINA THYAAJITHA JANAKAJA RAM Rama, Who banished (renounced) to the forest, Janaka’s daughter (Sita), KAARITHA LAVANA SURA VADHA RAM Rama, Who caused lavana’s death, SVARGATHA SAMBUKA SAMSTHUTHA RAM Rama, Whom Shambuka praised before going to heaven (dying) SVATHA NAYA KUSA LAVA NANDITHA RAM Rama, Who got much joy (by meeting) His Own sons, Kusha and Lava ASVAMEGHA KRATHU DHEEKSHITHA RAM Rama, Who was initiated into the Horse – Sacrifice, KAALA VEDITHA SURA PADHA RAM Rama, to Whom Kala(god of Time) spoke about His divinity, AAYODHYAKA JANA MUKTHIDHA RAM Rama, Giver of Liberation to ayodhya’s people, VIDHI MUKHA VIBHUDHA NANDAKA RAM Rama,Who gave joy to the Gods, Led by Brahma, THEJO MAYA NIJA ROOPAKA RAM Rama, Whose own form if full of luminosity, SAMSRUTHI BANDHA VIMOCHAKA RAM Rama, the Loosener of the World’s DHARMA STHAAPANA THATH <st1lace w:st="on">PARA</st1lace> RAM Rama, engaged in establishing Dharma, BHAKTI PARAAYANA MUKTHIDHA RAM Rama, Giver of Liberation to devotees, SARVA CHARAA CHARA PAALAKA RAM Rama, Protector of all moving and unmoving, SARVA BHAVAMAYA VAARAKA RAM Rama, Curer of all world’s ills, VAIKUNTAALAYA SAMSTHITHA RAM Rama, established in His home of Vaikuntha, NITHYAA NANDTHA PADHA STHITHA RAM Rama, Who lives in the State of eternal bliss 107. RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJA RAM Rama, Victory to Rama, the King 108. RAMA RAMA JAYA SEETHA RAM Rama, Victory to Rama, Sita’s Ram RAMA RAMA JAYA RAJARAM RAMA RAMA JAYA SITARAM (Repeat both lines 2 times) “Ravana’s” : “Ten –throated…” “Lavana’s” : Rama had his youngest brother Satrughna, kill Lavana (as Asura) “His Divinity”, i.e that He soon would have to go back (dying) to his own state as Vishnu. “ ”: Samsara Lit: “Those in devotion – engaged”
Hi Dear , Suddha Brahma Parathpara Rama Kalathmaga parameshwara Rama Shaesha kalpasutha Nirgitha Rama Brahmadyamanou Rajitha Rama, Hanumath Saevitha nijha patha rama Seetha praana raajitha Rama Rama Rama jaya raja Rama Rama Rama Jeya seetha rama Priya guha vihithae nijha patha rama , Seetha praana Raajatha Rama Rama Rama jaya raja Rama Rama Rama Jeya seetha rama......(Suddha..) Hope tis will satisfy you . Bst Rgds , Jaya Narayanan.:bowdown