Meanings Hi Vidya., Let me also try. Gainsay means. To deny or to oppose Erosetic means hard to understand, belonging to the select few ,private,secret, Bye Let me know the correct answers.
Simple Idioms & expressions test Hi all., Here i am giving some sentenses .. I highlightted the mistakes with Undeline. Anwers options also i gave. plz give me answers. Q1 I cannot understand why she did that, it really doesn't add up. (a) doesn't calculate (c) doesn't make sense (b) isn't mathematics (d) makes the wrong addition -------------- Q2 All the sudents got high marks in the test but Mary stood out. (a) got a lot of marks (c) got very good marks (b) got higher marks than someone (d) got the most marks of all ----------------- Q3 He has sold his house and has no job and so nowhe has next to nothing. (a) he is unemployed (c) he has a few things (b) he has almost no money (d) he has nothing at all ------------------ Q4 As a newspaper reporter she always wanted to get information at first hand. (a) quickly (b) slowly (c) easily (d) directly ----------- Q5 I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry. (a) have not got wet (c) have been successful (b) have got no water (d) have got home dry -------------- Bye :wave