wow so many varities of dosas i am planning to take a print out of all these and hang in my kitchen u can also include beetroot dosa, palak dosa , carrot dosa......its jst v simple boil a beet root or palak leaves put them in mixie and add them to ur dosa mavu tomatoes also u can grind them and add them up to the original dosa batter
Re: Crispy Dosa Crispy Dosa · Soak 2 1/2 cups rice, 1/2 cup sabudhana (Sago), 1/4 cup Udad dal and 1 sp Fenugreek seeds. · Soak rice separately and all the other ingredients separately. · After 3 hours grind them separately and add salt and mix well. · Next day or after 12 hours make thin crispy Dosas like hotel dosa. [/quote] Dear Krishnamma, I was trying to make varieties of dosa every week n I felt very happy to c all kinds of dosas shared by u again.....So far I made rava dosa taken the recipe given by u. It was really crispy n we loved it. Last week I tried paper dosa. But it doesn't came out very well , taste is good though... Do u think ur crispy dosa n paper dosa r same? I made paper dosa with poha, fenugreekseeds etc etc. Also when I made the mix do I have to keep it aside for some time ???? If u have the recipe for paper dosa plz include that too... Thanq Krishnamma... Tej:wave
hi Hi Radha, Thank you for your FB. As you told we can prepare many varities of veg. dosas for our children. Beet , tomato and greens dosa will attract children with there colours. They will like them more than normal one.
Aval Dosa/Paper rost Hi Teja, Here is Aval (poha) dosa/Paper rost. To prepare dosa dough soke 1 cup of Udad dal and 4 cups of rice for 2 to 3 hours. Soke them separately. Then grind them in a mixer grinder or grinder. Before starting gringing, wash and drain and keep the aval (1 cupto 1 1/2 cup) in a vessal. After grinding mix them and add salt to the mixture. Add the soked aval in this. Keep side for over night or more than 8 hours. The dough will ferment and it will 'come up'. Then mix it well and make dosas out of it. In this dough you can prepare thin dosa like 'paper rost' and as well if you keep the dough thick, you can prepare thick dosa with extra soft. Serve with any chutney or dosa milagai powder. Note: If you use thick aval take 1 cup and if you use thin aval, you can take 1 1/2 cups. __________________
Dear Krishnamma, I just wanted to let u know that I made paper dosa this evening n came out very well. I generally try tiffen recipes on Saturdays because I am fasting on Saturdays so That's the day I have chosen for my experiments on diff recipes... Ofcourse I can eat evenings... One more thing baby (11 months ) liked ur dosa very much. She doesn't say no at all,infact she expressed her interest to eat a littile bit more n was very impatient if I don't put in her mouth immediately .... I don't know that I can let her eat dosa or not but can't stop her.... Thanq Krishnamma for ur wide varities of dosa recipes...:2thumbsup: Tej:wave
My MIL was diabetic and had renal failure. But we are from a family where we avoid eating rice in the night (especially elders.) so trying out new ways with mil in mind was really tasking but helped me to try out new recipes. The traditional wheat dosa was a no no as without oil it will be sticky. and oil was not allowed for her. so i tried this it turns out real gr8. Wheat dosa : 2 cups of whole wheat atta. 1/4 cup soaked urad dal. salt. Grind the urad dal. if using the grinder just grind as per idli batter. then soak the atta in 1 cup of water. just try to mix it into a cake like batter. when the urad dough is ready add the atta batter into the same. Run the grinder for 5 minutes. add salt to taste. Keep it overnight. outside if you like it sour. or inside the fridge. (i prefer a little sour) so you makes dosas as you make any dosas (I used to just make the batter for mil when i was making the normal idli batter. just little more urad dal soaked in the proportion. take out the urad. keep it aside. and at the end make this batter also. so not much hard work there:tongue ) The colour comes a golden and with all the holes.... the same like our dosa. :2thumbsup: Soya is good. but in a very small proportion. so i add it to any of the maize/bajra/ragi flour. make the dosa in the same way as wheat dosa. Adding grated cabbage, carrot, pudina, coriander, chillies, a little hing. any combination works. Idli: The same batter idlis also come out well. for the health concious. if no oil. you can try the idlis. only if the batter is too sour, u feel the difference hitting on your face. other wise :2thumbsup: . P.S. For all this use gotsu/ tomato chutney/ pudina chutney with a little more chillies. Hope it helps somebody who has the same problem like i had. (mil is no more) Shanthi.
Tej, Nice your baby enjoys the dosa. you can give dosa. but not too crispy, because the crispness tends to hurt the soft tissues in the mouth. steamed dosa also is an option. (just grate carrot/beetroot/cabbage and add to the dosa batter since she loves dosas. put the dosa on the tava. close it for few seconds. so it cooks better without becoming crisp.)shanthi
So sweet, Dear Teja, So sweet of your daughter. You can give dosa to her. You can prepare dosa even with out oil, and give her. As said, after spreading the dough, you cover and cook the dosa, then give her. Really I am very happy to hear that the dosa is super from your 'small sweet girl'. This dosa is alltime favourite in my house. My son Krishna will eat full day only this. If I prepare the dough, that is enough for him. He will start preparing dosa, as soon as I grind that.:yes: By the way what is your daughter's name? and whether she started walking?
Hi, Hi Shanthi, Super recipe from you. Really this will help elders and diabetic. Surely I will ask my sister to prepare like this for my father who is staying with her in India. thank yo for a nice recipe.