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Valentine's day

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by prathi, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. prathi

    prathi Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Folks,

    How do u celbrate valentine's day? Share ur experiences with us. Also suggest gift ideas for this valentine. Here goes a legend on the day of love..... Read on...

    A Celebration of Love

    The legend surrounding the original Valentine is a saga.

    In the third century, Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that his armies would be most effective if they were comprised of young, unmarried men who weren't tied down by wives or families.

    To achieve this for his army, Claudius outlawed marriage for men at their fighting prime. A certain Bishop Valentine allegedly saw the injustice of Claudius' proclamation and continued to wed young lovers in secret. When he was discovered, Claudius sentenced Valentine to death and had him imprisoned.

    While in prison, Valentine is said to have fallen in love with the jailer's daughter, who visited him regularly in his confinement. He declared his love in his last letter to her before his execution and signed it, "From your Valentine."

    Long after Claudius II, a festival in honor of Lupercus, a fertility god, became increasing popular among adolescents. During the mid-February celebration, each young man chose the name of a teenage girl by lottery to be his sexual companion for the coming year.

    The Catholic church sought to cease the pagan ritual and looked for a patron saint to attract the attentions of the frolicking youth away from Lupercian traditions. Thus they heralded Valentine, beheaded by Claudius II in 270 AD (possibly to the great loss of a jailer's daughter) the Patron Saint of Love, and the mid-February ceremony morphed over time into our February 14 "St. Valentine's Day."

    Today, it is celebrated all round the world by lovers. They exchange cards, gifts, flowers, and promises. They take it as an oppurtunity to proclaim their love for each other. Thus the saint of love has become immortal through these celebrations.


  2. shweta

    shweta New IL'ite

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    how are you guys doing. i am shweta and i have been married since 7th sept 2005 and we stay in states. we like to know wht is to be done on valentine's day something special and nice.
  3. laksn

    laksn Senior IL'ite

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    Re:hi Valentines day!

    It all depends on what you want to do. I am planning to get a nice gift for my husband! and going to take him on a surprise candle light dinner. As much as I celebreate Vday I think each day is a Vday for me! Or you can cook something extra special- his favorite food at home and have a nice candle light dinner at home along with a nice movie later on! Or you can spend the weekend somewhere nice---but I think there is snow this weekend!

  4. Varloo

    Varloo Gold IL'ite

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    Everyday is Valentine's Day- for my hubby

    Hai veryone,
    you both are newly weds, I guess. That is why you are asking for ideas to celebrate V-day. After 18 years of marriage, I feel that every day is V-day for my hubby as I always make dishes which he likes, and do every thing to please him (no other way).
    Jokes apart, I do not feel like celebrating V-day. I would like to celebrate my hubby's b'day, our anniversary and would wish that he celebrates my b'day. Of course, the child's birthday is there. We Indians have so many festivals to celebrate and so many goodies to make, we don't need to celebrate V-day. But I sall give suggestions.
    If you can, buy something out of the ordinary for your hubby, send flowers or gift to his office, or go personally and take him out. Or for very romantc idea-ask him to stay at home or ask him to come home early. Prepare his favourite food or rder, then give him a good oil or powder massage. You will be lucky if he receprocates. Have a bath and then enjoy your meal, if possible outside or candlelit. I hope you like this.
    (When I give a gift, my hubby will ask the price of the gift and get angry at me for spending so much money. So I have stopped giving him exlusive gifts and give only toiletories which he uses regularly. How unromantic of him)
    Happy Valentine's Day to all.
  5. Jasmine

    Jasmine New IL'ite

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    The Cupid's day is back again! 8)

    Many Bollywood actors celebrate this day in their own way. Remember Ashish Chowdhury? He celebrated the most special Valentine’s Day. His girlfriend is Samita and Ashish Chowdhury booked a bungalow on the highest point in Khandala...WOW!!!. Decorated a table for three!!! well, one for a big teddy bear!
    Heart shaped balloons and a scrumptious meal was the right ambience for Ashish to propose Samita.

    Isn't that a dream come true for Samita to be proposed in that way on such a wonderful day!!
  6. reshna

    reshna New IL'ite

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    How was your valentine's day?


    Thought it would be interesting for all of us to share how our valentine's day went. Particularly, did your man surprise you or disappoint you or delivered exactly on expectation?

    As expected, my husband just took care of the basics - flowers, card and a dinner. He brought a red vase with neatly decorated flowers, a nice hand-written card and a dinner reservation for our favaourite Italian restaurant. I was happy that even after so many years, he still has the energy to do this.


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