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using neem oil to wean..has anyone tried this?

Discussion in 'Breast Feeding' started by vidhukumar, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. shalusaini

    shalusaini New IL'ite

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    hi vidhya
    my son had the same story . he never liked the taste of dabur chawanprash. so i applied it . in starting he used to cry that mama chichi...bcoz of its taste n black colour . but after 10 days he stopped. When at night he used to wake up i used to give him some milk with spoon or 1 biscuit.......but after 2 days he got up and asked for biscuits.so after that when ever he got up i gave him a gulp of water to drink.
    i used to apply it on my breast every time he ask for feed.i used to keep it handy.
    initally my husband also said so when every my son used to cry but now every thing is ok.u can try this with neem oil also.

  2. anjureji

    anjureji New IL'ite

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    Dear all,
    My son is 2 year and one month old and he is still breast feeding !!!!
    I just started to work 2 months back, and till then he used to feed everytime he wanted. But now, he breast feeds only when he wants to go to sleep. During day time, he is in the day care so sleeps on his own. At night he gets up 3 -4 times and demands to be fed.
    I would have stopped this night time feeding long back, but i will not get even 1 percent help from my husband. He sleeps through the whole night, even if it is week end , even if the baby is sick or even if i am sick. So whatever drama my son will do, i will have to face it alone. That's why i kept on with night time feedings.
    When i think about stopping the night time feeds, i am getting night mares about the sleepless nights that will follow.
    The worse thing is that he doesn't drink any other milk, fresh milk or formula. I have tried naan , baby's nido, pediasure, novalac, milupa all in vein.
    I will try all the tips that i read here, and see if this will help.
  3. sowminivibu

    sowminivibu Silver IL'ite

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    dear anju

    well children do create a big havoc when we try to stop sumthing like this...my daughter also used to cry for sum 2 days once i stopped bottle feeding for her...but we need to be strong abt that.....try to divert his attention when he asks for a feed...tell him sum story to divert him or try to add sum complan or sumthing which will have a nice flavour that wud make him drink sum other milk...

    all the best

  4. Nicole

    Nicole New IL'ite

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    Thanks ladies for all your suggestions. I am also going through a similar situation, My son is 20 months now. I am also 14 weeks pregnant. I am working as well. Now, in this situation, I badly need to wean my son completely as quickly as possible.

    As many of you said, my son too wakes up a couple of times in the night. He is a very naughty and brave child. Sometimes, he settle down with the bottle. And sometimes he needs to start with my breast and continue with the bottle a second later; or finish the bottle first and continue with my breast until he is deep asleep.

    Last week end I tried applying bitter gourd (karela) juice just before he runs to me for feed. Initially he looked at me for a second and then he continued with sucking. It was of no use even when I tried for the whole day. Infact, he ran more frequently to me asking for feeds.

    I am little puzzled after this. My husband is an absent minded person and he is lost in his own world (he is a very nice guy though). He doesn't even notice what is happening in the house or between me and my son. He is almost lost in the TV or be sleeping or in the toilet whenever he is at home. At times, he does help me in putting my son to bed. But if he cries badly for a longer time, he give up and call me for a feed, and I know that's one reason why it is not working at all.

    Ladies, please give me your suggestions. I need to stop it immediately, because I am afraid whether my baby whom I am carrying now will get lesser nutrition for its development. And another thing that worries me is the thought of feeding both of them side by side once I deliver my new baby somewhere in January beginning.

    Ladies...please help!!!
  5. ukarthika

    ukarthika New IL'ite

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    Hi Janani,

    Where did u get pure neem oil from ? am afraid to use anything tat v get outside. Read from a article tat a child died wen her mom used castor oil fr weaning. Can v trust things tat v get from shop ?

  6. niranjana10

    niranjana10 New IL'ite

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    HI all
    Read all this thread...which is like 2008 ones..I am sure all your kids are pretty big and doing gr8...But now i am facing the same problem..My son is 2.5 yrs old...I am all alone at home with him,so he has no other distraction.Whenever he feels bored or sleepy he wants to feed..Night also he gets up 3-4 times just to suck and sleep..Now it is getting very tiresome..Can i use neem oil?How did it work for all of you?
  7. sukal

    sukal New IL'ite

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    instead of neem oil, make neem leaves paste, its safer and it worked for me.
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  8. Confused211

    Confused211 Gold IL'ite

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    Oh how I love being the devil's advocate. Or in this case, the babies'.

    Why on earth does a child under 2 have to be weaned fully? To OP, you should night wean by saying that Mama is asleep. Your child will throw a fit for a few days but keep a sippy cup of water handy whenever he or she asks for it. A few days or even several days of that should wean him or her of night wakings.

    To the poster whose son nurses because of boredom. Don't stay at home then! Take him out and engage him in activities.

    To the pregnant and working poster: Unless you're finding it hard to manage and you feel that weaning will definitely make you feel better, or if you have a history of miscarriages, you can safely nurse through pregnancy. You obviously have to take extra special care to eat well for yourself, your nursling, and your fetus.

    WHO recommends nursing at least for 2 years and for as long after that, as mother and child want.

    If anyone is weaning because of family pressure or societal pressure, please don't! There will always be external pressures on the way you raise your child including whom they marry. If you don't advocate for your child's best as far as it is within your reach, then who will?
  9. SGBV

    SGBV Finest Post Winner

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    It really works with other person. I made my son sleep with my mom at his age of 1.5 yrs. We slept in the next room, and I could hear my son cries and looks for me. But mom pacified him saying some white lies, and also gave him bottle milk at nights. He became used to it, so after a certain period he stopped searching for me, or even wake up in the middle of the nights. He sleeps peacefully now

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