hi, My friend she is from lucknow she uses spl ubtan for her baby .... to make the baby shine . i like to know the name of it (i lost her contact now ..so i cat call her and ask) anyone knows the name of it ? my baby was born fair now she is loosing her color ...i am worried about it ....kindly help or suggest me home made ubtan :thumbsup
Can we get over this obsession with fairness pls? I am sorry, I know you asked a harmless question, but really, I think its time for everyone to grow up and not equate fair= beautiful. What god gave you or your baby makes you and your baby perfect. Nature knows best. The skin produces melanine to protect us from harmful sun rays. If you make your baby or your body fairer, you will lose that protection. Ever wonder why there is a higher incidence of skin cancer in teh west? So please, lets all let go of our biases and be happy with the skin colour we've got. p.s: the surest way to make people fair is keep them indoors 24x7 with really thick black curtains on the windows and dim lighting in the room so that there is no chance of ever getting a tan.