I recd the message below thro whatsapp 1. A man who knows, and knows that he knows. This is the scholar, so take and patiently learn from him. 2. A man who knows, but does not know that he knows. This one has forgotten, so quietly remind him. 3. A man who does not know, and knows that he does not know. This one is a student, so teach him continuously because he will be a great scholar one day. 4. A man who does not know, and does not know that he does not know and isn’t even interested in knowing. This one is an idiot, so reject him". This classification of people is interesting. A lecturer in our College (1960) explained this one day and since then I have been remembering and quoting this whenever I get an opportunity. But the problem lies with those who know and know they do know but pretend they do not know. Similarly there are people who do not know and also know they do not know but always pretend as though they do know They are really smart ones who are possessed of survival instinct and they can manage any situation. psychologists,mothers of problem children,rowdy elements politicians false gurus ,genuine teachers come under this category.Earlier mother's in law and daughters in law perfectly fitted into this category. But every one in this world follows the principle of pretence for some reason or other Jayasala 42 --