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Two Incidents and Three Cheers!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by strangerrr, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    “Hey you” I called and she turned back.

    “You alright”

    “Yea, think so”

    “Then, if these ipod, earphone and wallet are gifts to me” I waved those in my hand.

    We were just standing past the airport security scanner. I hate taking out laptops each time for scanning. Think of poor me taking 4 flights to reach home this time. Why can’t there be advanced machines thought me then. Some airports which demands to remove even the belt. I totally forget to remove my belt on one such airport whisking and the security sent me back. I tossed the belt from a little distance and it fell in the tray where she was keeping her materials. I excused and she was expressionless.

    All these couple of minutes before and now she totally forgets about her materials and moving only with her small shoulder bag.

    “Thanks” she took them. We moved apart as I walked ahead.

    “Hey you” I turned back, it was her.

    “Care for a coffee” she said. I was amazed about her ability to speak sans face expressions.

    She was of actually sundunaa-raethum-vanthudum colour; slim build; a small bag in her back; Her Tees and shoes of pink. No surprise my sister wants to shop hair bands and bangle of same colour every time she buys a new dress. A cargo ran just until her knees.

    “No thank you & Sorry” one part of brain was in observation mode; simultaneously another part sends a reflex response to her.

    More than to avoid a teen girl, may be half my age than the awareness not to invite possible trouble spelled that ‘NO’ what if she is a smuggler; what if she is terrorist; worst of all what if he is a suicide bomber. I just had a strange experience a day before another airport: as I was heading to immigration check in another airport, a person approached and request to carry a small envelope. When I queried about the content, he said it containing $20K and his friend will come and collect in this airport. For me it seems only the sex & skin of both the person were exact opposite but the consequences can be very same.

    My mobile made one of those weird noise and displayed “Chocolates for Jo-Ju”, reminding me that I need to buy some stuff for my nephs. I made this as very reason to excuse and moved away from her.

    Having at least another hour for boarding went to the breakfast lounge. “When you move from trouble, trouble starts chasing you” I thought as she came and sat in front of me then. This time my mind was in calculator mode, converting the breakfast price from the local currency to USD to INR.

    “Care for a coffee” I pretend to be polite & friendly but still skeptical inside.

    “I need to talk”

    “Oooff what” I looked back, ensure none behind me.

    “ - - - “

    “You travel alone” I helped her to break her silence.

    “Yea! In fact I am all alone” she started and was explaining about her, that her parents were divorced - her mom lives in one country married to another man - her dad in another country married to another women. She keeps on traveling between both the countries to catch up with them and hoping they would spend some time with her.

    It was one of those awkward occasions I left with no choice, but to listen and no ideas how to react. I managed to open my mouth only to letting in my breakfast, thinking the next day i would get idlies or dosa for breakfast after a long break. She kept bluffing, lamenting or I don’t how to call that monologue. All I could understand was the pain she was having, the emotions which were hidden in that unexpressed face mostly due to the vacuum left by her parents.

    Just when I was getting used to catch up with her pace and accent of her language in real time, she stopped and was about to leave. I asked if it was getting late for her flight. She asked for excuse and said it’s not usual she speak with a stranger or anyone about this. All I could do was wishing her good luck & assuring things will improve.

    A month later…

    The chill, not so cold air managed to enter my full sleeve Tee-shirt & randomly invading my hairs. More than the air, the place I was, brought some sweet & savory memories. Seven years is so much for such a city for an evident change. The World Classical Thamizh conference left it impact both positively and negatively.

    Well, I and my friend were standing at the central bus stand of the city where I did my graduation to receive two more friends coming from two different cities. He left for parking the bike at a safe place. I spotted the first one & started querying about how comfortable her travel was; as if I would sue the bus service if she says no.

    After waiting considerable time and number of live SMS updates another one reached. I was surprised she was walking along with a boy, as I thought she was coming alone. She was still some distance away from us & I questioned the other one standing with me “Did you know she got married?” She gave a dirty stare and replied “It’s her nephew, sister’s son; She already informed her that she is coming along with him.”

    Now she with her neph, almost close to us. I totally lack manners sometime (most of the time to precise) as I ignored the Hi & usual round of queries to be done when meeting a friend. My eyes and mind was totally fixed in that boy. Should be, not more than 9 year old. I wonder if I should teach him the art of being fat – he was that slim. Wearing a full sleeve sweater to keep him warm. I smiled, he smiled back sweetly. I asked his aunt “what for you brought him along”. She replied in disgust as she aware that would the point of fun for the whole day. “My dad thought it’s not safe to travel alone”

    The lean 9 year hapless boy as body guard for a 25+ lady, who I consider intelligent enough to manage at least some basic crisis.

    Three cheers to Indian Parents!!!​

  2. Pallavi4me

    Pallavi4me Platinum IL'ite

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    A Typical Strangerrr style narration and enjoyed reading the two incidents which are poles apart in the aspect parenting and the culture.

    And I was like :rotfl:rotflfor these two lines. We cant help inthis case of over protective parents and Typical attitude "Girl cannot leave home alone without a male protection (be the male can be a kid / infant)

    - Pallavi
  3. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    That was nice to read Strangerrr. I recollect the instance in my childhood, where I was almost about to explode when someone mocked one of my relatives while I was 'escorting' her. She just diverted me to some chocolates then. -rgs
  4. ramyaramani

    ramyaramani Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I thought the first story was going to continue. Second story was on the other end of the world. It was nice to read.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    May be they intended to have him as deterrent as most men are less likely to approach a woman to get to know her, if she is accompanied by a boy. By no measure, he could be considered a body guard. Considering 25+ years old woman as less likely to handle crisis than a 9 year old is unacceptable. You have a valid point.

  6. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the feedback and enjoying the post pallavi :)

    @ll, Sorry for the delayed response; somehow i missed these fb's.
  7. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    It seems that every boy at some has done this "escorting" job. Even i did many time for my sisters and cousins.

    Thanks for your fb rgs :)
  8. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for dropping in with your comments ramyaramani :)

    its 2 different stories and i mentioned it in the title too.
  9. strangerrr

    strangerrr Gold IL'ite

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    I totally agree with your point vishwa :) Thanks for the comment.

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