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Tricky Questions & Ticklish Answers

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: Tricky Questions & Ticklish Answers :hello:

    Spiritualism - can it be marketed using hi tech savvy saints? Which is better? From playable age, teach child materialism or spiritualism or both side by side?

    Or should one completely do away with materialism right from childhood. Some future monks or heads as in Japan are trained that way after a parent hand over the child to his religious head? Is celibacy important to attain spiritualistic highs?

    Do one practising spiritualism seriously attain peace forever? Would Bending bodies, arresting thoughts and hold the breath can guarantee peace of mind? How one define peace of mind? Closing eyes and keeping the body standstill can it lead to peace of mind?

    Is concentration not possible with eyes opened? Then how one is hypnotised? Keeping eyes closed with awareness - is it Dhyan?

    If one is able to swallow live ants, what happens to atma/soul of ant? Is that ant liberated or the soul?

    For food, Thousands of chickens and other animals are killed daily all over the globe and where do their souls gathered and stored and at what stage of pregnancy the soul enters the mother of the being under process or in the pipe line?

    Readers can record here questions in spiritualism vs materialism for which they have quest & desire answer.

    Those who know the answers are requested to record it here?

    Some dogmas or guidelines toward spiritualism say fundamental requirement is that change that should come from within. For this, one is asked to explore inwards to seek answers as what cause the body animated! The ultimate answer many say is one’s “karma” & or “ Dharma”.

    Srama, Viswamitra and satchitananda like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    I don't believe spiritualism needs to be marketed. It is inherent in everyone just like one learns to love his/her parents. The problem is the self-love stops at the level of the body, mind, and intellect and it fails to reach the destination of the soul. It is correction of that habit that needs to be changed through sound teaching and sharing the teachings of the learned people.

    We have examples of people remaining spiritually high with or without celibacy. Good examples are Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Vivekananda. If one has learned control of the senses and mind and how to apply moderation in life, celibacy is not mandatory for spiritual advancement.

    Bending bodies, mending the senses and ending the mind is an uphill task but unfortunately, that is a major step towards spiritual advancement. Unfortunately, all our senses bringing information to our mind are focused outward and it is difficult for them to be tamed and to have the mind focused to the world inside. It takes time to understand the world we see outside is nothing but a reflection of our mind. Peace is realized (not achieved) when (one eliminates thoughts) one realizes Anandamaya Kosha and remains in that state leaving the body, mind and intellect consciousness. It is a state where there are no expectations from the world nor there are actions performed to look after oneself. It is a paradigm shift to universal consciousness. Bending bodies, arresting thought and holding breath, etc. are only means to an end and not end in itself.

    We go through four stages before one reaches Turya stage. They are known as withdrawal, concentration, contemplation, and meditation. Meditation is the highest state of spirituality before one reaches the highest level of self-realization.

    Based on my limited understanding, it is the soul that is encrypted with the past actions enters the womb waiting for an opportunity to eliminate the encryption in order to be liberated from its encryption. It needs the vehicle to make that journey, learn from its experiences and eliminate the encryption. This yet to be shaped/constructed Pindam is fully aware of all its encryption and understands the suffering it undergoes remaining in a small house unable to move the hands and legs. That is why the children cry when they are born. But after the birth, the forgetfulness takes place leaving the child to enjoy the worldly pleasure. That is why our real life is known as forgetfulness or a dream when realization is known as awareness/consciousness.

    These are just my humble views and other learned people can share their insight. Thank you for providing a platform to exchange ideas.

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera IL Hall of Fame

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    It is quite a tricky question. The Dalai Lama was picked up at the age of two as Buddha's incarnation and conditioned to be the the head of the religion under strict observation. It must have been a big load on a growing child. Desmond Tutu's daughter turned a lesbian and that too must have tortured a Catholic priest.
    Gautam Buddha, as Prince Siddharth was not allowed to come out of the palace till he was a young man and we all know what happened.
    We are governed by our senses and all our decisions are influenced accordingly.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Thyagarajan sir,

    Too many questions :) I have no answers and I donot contemplate much on all this. But this brought me here
    I can only tell that bending bodies brings some sort of calmness for that moment. I simply call it the 'aha' moment. We may want to experience many of those moments to feel joyful! Whether that is piece of mind or not, I do not know.

    While trying to answer your question on spiritualism vs materialism, I googled and came up with word - spiritual materialism Spiritual materialism - Wikipedia Quite interesting to read.

    These are deeper thoughts and will be interesting to read answers from others.

    For now what Richard bach says helps me
    "Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't." - don't ask me though what that mission is. It may be asking these questions and watch these answers change.

    Again, like Bach says, "
    “The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change.”

    Usually Bach answers my questions for the moment atleast! I am grateful for his presence and his books!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  5. GregoriaBoul

    GregoriaBoul Silver IL'ite

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    Wow, it is amazing to hear your answers. This is a good thread.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:Delighted with your response and reference and quotes of RB.
    The answer not be known ever after one departs to heaven. It remains unknown with the UNKNOWN.
    Yes in toto. While query seemingly simple in few familiar words yet the answers seemed to have interminable breadth and depth or and even breathtaking!

    Thanks for your thought provoking response.
    Srama likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Precisely. “decisions influenced” - I like it. These to be recognised as redflag in our probe of spiritualism and in knowing the unknown.

    If energies of God is divided among men and materials and all His other creations, how would the God get it replenished? From where God source the materials or and substances for continuous creations & destructions (deaths).

    When energy is expended in species they are fatigued and even results in their life extinguished. God is “He” Or “She” Or a combination of both or one-moment God is “She” and another moment turns into a “He”. An enigmatic query indeed! By way of unravelling, Let the agents of Almighty answer this.

    Thanks for mentioning Dalai and that lesbian turned woman earning wrath of catholic priest.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
    HariLakhera likes this.

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