Hi all, I intend flying to India with my pet dog. He is a German Shepherd. Has anyone attempted this? What are the risks incident on the pet when travelling by air? Do airport authorities feed and walk the pet, sit and talk to him if restless? Pls get back with any comments, suggestions experiences. Me and my canine son will be most grateful. warm regards Vidya
Hi Vidya, Here Dutch people would take their pet dog to NL . After submitting all the documents (vaccination, licence etc) they send it by Cargo. Usually they feed the dog before travelling. love,
Hi Flying is no joy for pets, for sure. But Man has managed to send a dog on space travel safely, so bringing home your canine -son in an airplane should be no problem. Different airlines and airports have different amenities, requirements and policies. Please check all fine print thoroughly well beforehand. One thing I know : Never Sadate the pet for air travel out of " kindness." A vet told me its the most unkind thing to do Doggie will have to travel in the baggage hold, so get him familiarised with the kennel box he's going to be in, well before travel date. You can google for expert opinion. All the best VS
thanks, Seena and VS Dear Seens and VS, Seena, thanks for the prompt reply. I will check vaccination. Surprisingly, I did not think of it nor did anyone tell me. VS, thanks for the tip abt not sedating. I wld hate for my child to suffer. Pls accept a verbal thanks from me and a big,happy lick from my baby, Tommynathan. regards Vidya