dear members i read an article in a mag ..called life positive and would like to share it with u all. every sunday from 8.30 am and 9.30 am in villages across Nizamabad district of ANDHRAPRADESH radios are set to AIR'S FM station.most families gather in the village centre to listen to the telugu community radio programme'ALLARI MUCHCHATLU (mischevious chatter) which is written and produced by village children. the progamme has jokes,songs and skits on historical figures but everyone's favourite is the success stories told by children who are determined to transform their communities. Take the children of chikarpally village ,who witnessed a villager die of stomach cancer caused by gutka. Mehboob14 , says ''we protested in front of shops selling gutka ,organised rallies and burned packets.we wrote letters against gutka to the president ,the prime minister, the chief minister and the district collecter. they did not write back but the radio people were interested. hats off to theses little hereos!!! yours kanaka raghavan
So nice of you Kanaka, sharing this piece with us..It is great to hear children doing such good deeds..May God help them in their efforts to make a change..! Thank you,
good job by a village children Most of the children grow with all bad habits from their family.But this tiny village children trying to stop the bad habits of elders. Happy to read your post. tsseethalakshmi
very interesting Dear Kanaka, These days we hear nothing positive from radio news or TV channels. Your was a very positive news item. We still have hope, is it not? Keep,sending good posts. Regards, Meenu