Hi everybody, Tips for parenting a 3.5 yr old?? Experienced mothers pls share your tips. I have only one kid, so i feel sometimes sorry to see her playing all alone and sometimes am very nice to her , play with her. But she does take advantage of it and stops listening to me completely. Does treating your kids like an adult really help in the long run? If i become even a bit stern she will start having a meltdown which really irritates me. Its almost impossible to get her to do anything without either lots of maska or either lots of threatening (of putting on breaks/ taking something she likes). How to manage this without causing stress to either of us?
Hi Kids can sense our various mood and in their immaturity they take it as fun to make their parents do whatever they want to... So you need to be careful about giving this wrong impression....
Hi, this one's a good parenting site that gives all the much-needed advice to inexperienced mothers. I am also a mother to a difficult 18 mth old girl. Whenever, I am frustrated or upset or feel like crying, I visit their site for some helpful advice. Humpty Bumpty Kids. Might be helpful to you as it is to me.