Third Trimester: Back Pain ( 23 to 36 weeks)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by ptamil2007, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Traveller

    Traveller Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy, I'm in my 23 week and this is my second pregnancy. Did you check with your gyn about the back pain? Reason why I ask this is last couple of weeks I too had severe low back pain and got relief when I lied down or with a hot water bag. But when I mentioned this to my doctor last week on my regular check-up she said in most cases it can also be contractions. She told me to reduce my work (i mean lifting groceries, taking more rest generally) and also to see her every 2 weeks until she's convinced that I'm alright. Don't mean to scare you or anything... I also know from many friends that it's quite normal to have back ache during pregnancy. But it's better to check with your gyn first! Latha
  2. geeta_sathish

    geeta_sathish Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy,

    Welcome to the low back ache club. I am the president of this club...bonk I started getting back ache right after my first trimester. All my friends and even the doc said its too early to start having back aches because normally it starts only when your tummy size increases and your back will feel the stress of it - may be after 6th or 7th month. But I have been suffering from it right from 14th week.

    I tried the pregnancy support belt. It was OK, I don't use it regularly. I use it if I know that I have to stand for a long time. Even standing for more than 20 minutes can cause severe back ache for me. My doc strictly adviced me to not sleep on my back from 5th month. I know that its comfortable, but she said it is not good for the baby. So, with great difficulty I have now practiced sleeping on side. Please do not sleep on your back. It will be difficult initially, but once you get used to it you will be fine. Keep a couple of pillows on either sides - on your front for tummy support and on your back for back support and sleep on your sides. I know that its too much of pillows to use, but thats the only comfortable position. I also bought a full body support pillow. I would say both the full body pillow and the maternity support belt are OK products. They help you feel better sometimes. If you find the pain unmanagable then try them.

    Also, keep a tab on your weight gain. Back ache is mainly because sudden increase in weight. My doc said to aim for one pound a week during the second trimester, but I was gaining two pounds a week and thats why the pain for me. So try to control it. If you are south Indian, reduce your rice intake and strictly have only rotis for dinner and rice only once during the day. This diet has helped me to stabilise my weight gain.

    Most of all, speak to your doc to see what she has to say. Each body is different and your OB-Gyn knows what is best for you.

    Take care.
  3. cathy

    cathy Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Daffodil,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion.I am trying my best to sleep on my left.But when i go to deep sleep,i dont know how i sleep.My hubby says i sleep straight :(some times he wakes me up and makes me sleep on my left side.seriously I have to bring it under control.bonk

    Hi Latha,

    I went for my regular check up last week.Everything was normal at that time.No back pain also.It started only from this week beginning.Thanks for your information.I am not scared.Always its good to be aware about everything.I will call my doctor and get her advice.I think i have to reduce my work too!!Since i am very active,i am doing all the household works:crazy.(even if my hubby scholds,i dont listen to him!!) and end up with this back pain.:bang

    BTW,Did you see the gender?I had my sonogram last week.I was very curious to see the gender.but my hubby didnt allow me to know.when the doctor was measuring babies bones,weight etc,she asked if we want to know the gender.but my hubby strictly said NO!! But you know when she turned the monitor towards us and introduced us to the baby,it turned its face towards the monitor and gave its precious smile...that moment!!Dont know how to explain!!!I felt watever be the gender,never mind.This smile is enough to overcome everything!! Doctor clicked a pic.i ahve that pic with me now..(No need of pics,it is registerd in my mind)Always i keep talking to my smiley!!

    I am praying god that our kid should be simling like this for ever and make others also to smile :)

    Hi Geetha,
    My weight gain is normal so sofar.I am gaining one pound a week.i have gained 13 pounds totally.i started eating roti from yesterday.Since i am from south,i am bored to make roti's everyday.But noway,if we want to keep the weight on track,we have to do it.BTW,where do you get this body pillow and belt.

  4. Traveller

    Traveller Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy, Yes we know the gender... but we're keeping it as a surprise from everyone;) wait until June hee hee! I had a detailed pre-natal scan last month and that's when I found out. Unfortunately my husband got held up in last-minute meeting and he was not there. Me too saw that smiley face for more than a minute... it was pouting, looking at me (rather us, the doc included!) intently and then turned. oh my... i feel that exciting shiver as i think about that moment:) in any case my gyn does a scan on every check-up but only for couple of minutes... she measures for her record and shows me briefly the baby. But that detailed one was the highlight I will never forget in my life. Do take enough rest. I hardly get any, courtesy my 3 yr old boy. I have stopped making dosa these days coz standing hurts my back. But still not giving up on chapathi... Latha
  5. geeta_sathish

    geeta_sathish Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy,

    I got both from Babies R us.

    Even I used to have difficulty in standing and making rotis. So my husband helps me these days. I ask him to roll them and just do the cooking part. See if you can get help from DH.

    Take care.
  6. Lavanya

    Lavanya Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy,
    Back pain can be just another normal/usual symptom during pregnancy starting from the time of conception until after labor. Generally the increase in blood flow to your pelvic organs, stretching of ligaments, remodeling of pelvis, weight of the fetus (in later stages) are all causes of back ache. Not sitting or standing in the same position for more than 30 minutes and shifting your weight around helps reduce stagnation of blood and hence reduce the increasing pressure on your back. Using ergonomic chairs when at work also helps. Books like "Your pregnancy and birth" and "What to expect when expecting" teach simple exercises that can be practised provided your ob/gyn does not object to it.

    Don't stress about lying on your left side - its not a must as it depends on the way placenta is positioned too. But generally lying on the side helps to reduce the breathing difficulties due to the baby's weight pushing on your diaphragm. Also it reduces the amount of pressure experienced in your veins. If you tuck your pillows close to you on either side then the chance of rolling over to your back is lesser. You can also use wedge-shaped pillows which help to hold the belly at a slight angle which can be more comfortable as belly hangs down when you lie on your sides.

    If your blood work and weight gain is normal then do not worry about counting your caloric intake. Just do what you feel comfortable with. Rubbing very small amounts of eucalyptus oil helps ease the pain. Hot packs (do not over heat) can relax sore back. Also shower/bath gels with eucalyptus and spearmint help with this (available in bath and body works or any other reputable bath shops).

    Good luck and keep smiling like your li'l one.
  7. cathy

    cathy Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Geetha and Lavanya,

    Thanks a lot for you tips.

    Yesterday I kept two pillows on either sides and i could sleep on the same the position without rolling around.The pain got reduced!!!

    Also the whole day i didnt wash the vessels.My hubby did all the cleaning..That could also be the reason of severe back pain.B'coz i would be standing for about 30mins for cleaing all the vessels and the kitchen bonk

    So he is taking care of the cleaning part now and i am doing the major part of cooking!!

    Lavanya,I was rubbing both my back and legs with gingely oil before taking bath.I will try this gels with eucalyptus and spearmint.Thanks a lot for your info.

  8. Lavanya

    Lavanya Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Gingelly oil can only moisture, but to relieve pain use eucalyptus oil - some Indian/Pakistani stores also carry them. Eucalyptus oil can be used any time and you don't have to wash it as it gets absorbed through the skin easily. If there's anyone visiting from India ask them to bring you a couple of bottles (they are sold in plastic bottles and can be found even in grocery stores like Food World). Hope it helps.

  9. Ranjita Gireesh

    Ranjita Gireesh New IL'ite

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    Re: Severe back pain!!

    Hi Cathy, Daffodil, Latha, Geetha & Lavanya,

    I also started getting back ache just after my first trimester. Now I am in 15<SUP>th</SUP> week. I asked my gyn about this and she said to drink lots of water because some times back ache comes due to urinary infection also. But I think, I had slipped in the bathroom in 2<SUP>nd</SUP> month and it’s because of that. Well I’m not sure what the reason for this back ache is. I’m also struggling to sleep on one side only. But in my deep sleep I lie down straight and my hubby wakes me up. Thanks everybody for all the suggestions. I will try which one suits best for me.

  10. Cutepavi

    Cutepavi Silver IL'ite

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    Abdominal Pain in the last trimester

    Hi every one...
    I am in my 36th week and i feel a terrible pain around my waist and lower abdomen when i get up from a sitting posture... I just had my appointment on wednesday and my next prenatal visit is next week... Do you think it is common to get such kind of pain? Once i start walking it reduces though... Is this some kind of labor sign???

    I am thinking of waiting for a day before calling the nurse...

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