They Just Wheeled My Dad In

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SuiDhaaga, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Still having pains but not as horrible. Both of us are shaken to the core

    I am trying to reach his local Cardiologist to determine
    1. Why these horrible pains occurred
    2. How much and for how long to continue the Aleve
  2. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    The pain is still there

    It is so horrible

    Before the TAVR my Dad was able to tolerate pain. Even before procedures when they say take Tyenol he never take Tyenol

    Now he cannot tolerate the pain and is taking Aleve

    Pain is not completely gone

    Usually any medication he takes reacts really quick. Instead 60% of the horrible pain and agony still remains He took 8 Aleve tablets in a 24 hour period

    I am trying to reach Cardiologist to see if he is taking dosage properly

    And to also ask why is he getting such pain after TAVR operation

    Apr 5, 4pm took 2 Aleve
    6 hours later, Apr 5, 11pm took 2 Aleve
    9 hours later, Apr 6, 8am took 2 Aleve
    4 hours later, Apr 6, 12pm took 1 Aleve
    4 hours later, Apr 6, 4pm took 1 Aleve
  3. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I spoke to Cardiologist who said Dad should take 2 Aleve every 6 hours for up to 3 days. We passed Day 1 and are now in Day 2.

    If he gets better he can taper to 1 Aleve every 6 hours (I dunno how many days, will find out)

    Aleve is lowest dose and safest for his Heart

    However if no luck after 3 days then Dr will give stronger medicine.

    When I asked why Dad has terrible chest and upper back pain Dr said Tube might have been passed through his mouth during Heart Operation.

    I said that was 2 weeks ago

    Then Dr said maybe Dad pulled or twisted a muscle.

    But how do you pull or twist a muscle if you are not exercising at all????

    Hope it is not anything seriious.
  4. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    Please check the maximum dose on sleeve I am not so familiar with that, twist muscle might be in sleep or something because he got the pain after a week or so right, so in sleep or because of some unnoticed things he might have did maybe….
    I hope he will be pain free by morning…
  5. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    My Dad still has aches and pains. And now his constipation is back

    Few minutes ago the heart monitoring company called me because they detected IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT about 30 minutes ago.

    He was asking if Dad is on blood thinners and I said, yes for past 2 weeks he is taking Baby Aspirin

    Then on Wed he was having severe Chest and Upper Back pain. Local Cardiologist did EKG, Echocardiogram and that test that checks blood flow between heart and brain and everything is normal

    Local Cardiologist said take 2 Aleve every 6 hours

    Then the person at the Heart Monitoring company is telling me not to get worked-up. i said this is for HEART

    Then he asked if my Dad is around, but he is in bathroom. He is telling me to ask my Dad how he feels. i said Dad feels crappy because of all the pains, so I asked what specific question should i ask.

    The Heart Monitor person said ask if he feels worse than ususl

    Just 2 seconds ago the Heart Monitor person called back and said ask Dad to hit the red button on his Heart Monitor to see if he "gets out of the irregular heartbeat"

    I hope everything is ok.
  6. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Dad feels fine but it still shows irregular heartbeat

    The Dr who is monitoring the device is saying based on things that happened since Wednesday he should come to hospital for tests

    Dad refuses to go and get pricked. Dad says he would rather go "bye-bye" then even have this Heart Procedure again, because the pricking, etc was so traumatic.

    Dad thinks this is false alarm from the Heart Monitor. I hope he is right.
  7. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    So far my Dad feels fine

    Even few days ago the Nurse Practitioner said my Dad has instances of irregular heartbeat but nothing for concern

    When I called the Heart Monitoring company, one lady says all the data looks fine, nothing for concern

    When I called the Heart Monitoring company and ask to speak to same person who raised concern, he still said that reading is abnormal

    Does one's person interpretation differ from someone else's? Or maybe this person was using an abundance of caution.

    Being wheeled into surgery is one thing, but the AFTERSHOCKS after surgery is totally unexpected!

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