I am so happy to hear that. Everything is falling in place for you to take good care of your dad. Take it easy and take break to look after yourself as well while taking care of your dad. The home environment will heal your dad faster. You did everything right so far and I am sure the results will be positive for your dad to become normal soon.
@SuiDhaaga It is a start of a new week after the surgery and I hope your dad is doing well. As I mentioned, you are already doing a great job by dotting the "i's and crossing the "T"s. But at anytime you get overwhelmed, do not hesitate to take help from homehealth or other caretaker, of course, after discussion with your dad. Sometimes, the caregiver may get stressed out as there are so many routines besides day to day work. But if he is independent and able to walk already, some of the routines may be reduced. What are the important things that the hospital/doctor asked you to keep an eye on? Hope and pray, that there is no need to call anyone during his recovery. Don't hesitate to call the doctor before the appointed date, if you have any questions.
Fortunately my Dad is independent and able to walk on his own. The surgery has taken a toll on his mental well-being. Medical websites say this is normal, ie to feel low and depressed after such a procedure. My Dad has other health issues so the emotional recovery is especially burdensome. 80% of the time he regrets having this life-saving surgery because of the physical recovery as well, ie he had all these catheters and IVs The Doctor and Hospital said watch out for incision site. If it gets worse or Dad gets fever then call Dr. And Dad has to wear Heart Monitor Yesterday I charged it and kept calling the company to make sure 1. Monitor is functioning 2. Monitor is collecting data Dad was advised to press red button on monitor if he he feels chest pain, pressure, etc Thank you for your prayers and well-wishes!
Still reeling from the trauma of the Heart Operation I'm glad Dad's home Dad is in so much pain. He wishes to get knee replacement surgery because exercises are not working And he has super sensitive skin. He expresses this to the anesthesiologist, etc. they say oh yeah, oh yeah we understand Then they turn around and roughly place needles, IVs, catheters, etc anyway My Dad says if the same torture will be there if he goes for knee rest surgery, then he rather be spin a wheelchair I told him not to speak that way. now I am upset
In the weeks after a surgery, most of us would feel this way. It’s not a pleasant experience going under the knife. Acknowledge that this has been hard but that he has the will power to overcome. He will get over this hump in time. You don’t let these conversations bother you too much.