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the wishing tree.....

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sathya, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    there are wishing wells where you just throw a stone and wish something ... there are wishing ponds and wishing trees where you tie a stone in a cloth
    and tie it on any branch of the tree wishing ...the wishing tree is popular in quite a few indian movies...
    sometime back when we were having some problems at home regarding business activities...somebody suggested we water the amla tree before going
    for a discussion or starting a new venture...this idea was given in a leading tamil magazine...and the idea was you can water the tree for any personal
    ofcourse, wishes that you want materialised in a day is not possible..! this is possibly because it is some kind of auto suggestion that whenever you water
    the tree, clean the surroundings, pray fervently that your wish come true.. perhaps logically say why you want it to come true.. has a say in the matter.
    cleaning the surroundings can perhaps clean those cobwebs you have been hoarding about the issue you wish fulfilled. wishes that dont get fulfilled do
    have an answer... ask yourself... was there any effort a tireless one at it? do i really want it? do i deserve it and so on... you are sure to get the wish
    fulfilled or at least an answer from your heart shelf...!
    wonder if it is coincidence. when sunkan said a prospective bridegroom is on his way to ``see' her.. we suggested priya water the amla tree. but it is not
    the usual large amla tree. she said. never mind we said go ahead any amla or any tree for that matter should do. it is just a hoping prayer that can be
    answered through a tree. and yes they are happily married now...!
    amla is special in that it gives immunity to a whole lot of health problems and keeps you fit physically and that adds to keeping fit mentally... health is
    it is sure difficult to get the amla tree nearby.. if it is not too much of a problem get one or two plants and plant them in a common place such as a garden
    nearby, a temple or some place. take care of it as you would if it were in your garden. wish a wish...! and sure it will come true.
    a wish can be materialistic so long as it is not greedy and you are due to receive it for a long time now...a change in atmosphere. a change in job, winning
    over situations all are possible.. give it a try. keep at it for a month. then see the difference...!
    no superstition this.. it works...

    and dont forget to add an extra prayer for me...!

  2. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sathya,

    I dont know about the wishing tree.... But Watering the plant is a good one.... With slowly all the mtro cities becoming a concreate jungle..... it gives greener to the surroundings..... When the usrroundings changes to greenery ou mind set up automatically changes and it gives a possitive thought process....

    So... Good Suggestion... Will try to follow, as I need all the wishes.... Ofcourse we will add an oneline prayer also for you.....

  3. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    Sathya - I wish I could grow some plants and trees here....but living in an apartment with many restrictions....all I can manage is a small pot of Mint. Hopefully some day when I get back to India I will have many plants and trees around.
  4. rajmiarun

    rajmiarun Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Satya

    I think you are true. We have a large garden in and around my parents place, and I have always found solace watering the plants or atleast walking there or atleast discussing something in the garden. I have found solutions to my answers in the trees's presence.

    Now I miss them all. As we live in an apartment we are unable to grow even plants and so have to just go with what we have.
  5. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    My mother-in-law used to say that watering the plants itself is a puniyam. Naturally good deeds are indeed, puniyam

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