Hello chitra Aunty... the simple explanation of Naivedhyam offering is awesome...i just enjoyed the every word of it. I would like to add to it: Harir Daatha Harir Bhoktha Harir Annam Prajaapatih Harir Vipra Shareerastu Bhoonkte Bhojayathe Harih. Meaning: Oh Lord Hari, You are the food, You are the enjoyer of the food, You are the giver of food. Therefore, I offer all that I consume at Thy Lotus Feet. I initially searched & asked so many about the meaning of procedure of offering food to Lord. It's really a very simple explaination of pranas.
Dear Chitra What a Coincidence???? I was talking to my friend yesterday, telling her that I am not doing any Naivedyam these days. I feel so bad . I am a working women and I prepare breakfast & Lunch in the morning and then I go to bath & get ready. I cant offer the foods which i made without bathing. Advice me whether I can offer somethings else every day. I use to ask my mom for all these and after reading your lovingly wordings I thought you like my mom. I pray perumal for your happy life and continue this sava for your life time. "The difference between God and Human being is God gives and forgives and human being gets and forgets" Regards Nakshathra
Dear Nakshathraa, The simple naivedyams one can offer, irrespective of aving a bath or not, are: Any dry fruit, say,raisins, dates etc Kalkandu (sugar candy) 1 tbsp of boiled milk with a dash of sugar Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitra mami, I am having this habit of keeping naivedyam daily, which I learnt from my mum. my query is, if we are going out for vacation or not in position to keep naivedyam what we have to do? In my mother's house I never came across this sutivation. pls help me out in this because i fell guildy when i m not offering naivedyam. and also suggest why we are using tulasi malai? my friend said it is very vesaysham to have one in our pooja room & it is not necessary for naivediyam. we have one but we use it for jabham.
I have a doubt here regarding Naivedyam. After we do the pooja offering naivedyam taking the aarathi etc, when do we remove the naivedyam from the alter. Can you remove it immediately after the aarathi?
dear chitra, i happened to see your reply to a question,regarding " neivedhyam"if you do not mistake me, when we are doing pooja, our sastrigal, will ask us to take away the " neivedhyam" before aarti i am also doing like that only. it is to show that after offering food to GOD, we do all these upacharams.after "neivedhyam"after this we say " boogibhala samayuktam" to offer thambholam. then only we take the offerings, after that we do aarti. do correct me if i amwrong. sorry if i have hurt your feelings. i just want some clarifications. with love pad
Dear Pamini, You are welcome to share your thoughts, no problem for me. What you write is for pujas when there are Vadhyars to give us instructions. What I wrote was for the daily morning naivedhyam of sadam or milk or dry fruits, whatever, we do on our own at home in Swami sannadhi. Love, Chithra.
dear chitra, thank you for your immediate response. so when we do "mahanaivedyam" we can take it after aarti. thank you for clearing my doubts, with love pad
chivtivishji, Your blogs are wonderful. You are a very great person. Thanks for sharing the information. kavya