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The Price - Part 8

Discussion in 'The Price - Serial Story' started by varalotti, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. वेदश्री

    वेदश्री New IL'ite

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    Not upto the mark !


    No doubt on your writing skills which you used very tactfully for portraying the story so well.

    But still... I didn't like the story because Why on the earth Vidya has to sacrifice her own Self for fullish dreams of her husband? She is not trying her best for pulling him back from going towards dangerous zone but helping him to proceed by sacrificing her own ! Is it according to her character you tried your best to colour in first some parts of this story? Why she has to look for help towards her father or husband? Can't she herself do something and make her husband come to know the reality?

    Sorry to mention sir, but I didn't like the way you coloured Vidya in this story.
  2. Laxmi

    Laxmi Administrator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Varalotti's Reply to Vedashri

    Hello Vedashri,
    Am posting Varalotti's reply to your post on his beahlf. Here is Varalotti's reply in his own words:

    Dear Vedasri,

    Many thanks for your comments. Unless a person gets so deeply and emotionally involved with the character she cant make a comment like this. I salute your involvement in the story.

    The one freedom a writer (or for that matter any artist) has is that he does not need to justify his action. A painter if he starts to explain why he made that stroke bold or this one thin, he would start looking ridiculous.

    But Vedasri considering your very deep involvement with this story (my daughter Preethi still says that this is the best I have written so far. My other fans say the Promise and The Scar are the best) I think I owe an explanation to you.

    Let me explain like this. You know that King Ravana had two brothers. One brother Vibeeshana told Ravana on his face what he did was morally wrong and quit him to join his enemy. Yes, Vibisheena had the force of character. Even if the person happened to be his blood brother he stood on his principles like a rock and went to the path of Dharma.

    Ravana had another brother Kumbakarna. This brother was also highly principled. He advised his brother against the act of abducting Sita. He told Ravana in no uncertain terms that what he did was wrong. But when it came to battle he firmly stood by his brothers side even though he knew what he did was wrong and even though he knew he would die fighting for his brother.

    Now tell me Vedasri, whose character is stronger? If you take moral standards as the yardstick Vibisheena stands out. If you take brotherly love as the deciding factor Kumbakarna stands out.

    In the case of Vidya her love for Raghavan stands out. For a woman her chastity is more precious than her life. If Vidya was ready to sacrifice even that for her husband, then assume, to what extent she should have loved her husband.

    She finds that her husband is quite desperate for an acting chance. And that he has quit his regular job for that. And if he did not get a chance he would kill himself. In that circumstances Vidya decided to make that sacrifice.

    But if you ask me whether Vidya did was morally right, I would say a clear no. The stroke I am trying to paint here is her love for her dear Raghavan and before that love morality and ethics have taken the backseat.

    I have consistently shown Vidya as the most loving wife till the moment she discovers the relationship her husband has witha another actress.

    If you are not happy with this explanation, please let me know.

  3. वेदश्री

    वेदश्री New IL'ite

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    Sorry Varalotti Sir...


    As you got it in very much right sense - whenever I read any story, if it is powerful enough to drag me in it emotionally - I get emotionally involved in it, thats why mostly it makes me to write my comments comes out to be very straight away.

    Whatever you said about the freedom of writer is absolutely correct and there is no question on that at all.

    Bibheeshan ( as we call that in Marathi ) and Kunbhakarna are brothers of Raavana and are posed to the extreme positions. But Vidya is Wife of Raghavan which means that she is HALF PARTNER of his life and deserves same love, devotion and dedication from her husband also as much as she is offering to him.

    I fully disagree with you for this statement. Vidya would have only intimated about this to Raghavan and the picture would be totally different ! But she didn't try it out and not Raghavan too when he did something for getting a chance in picture ! According to me, doing such things without telling to your better half or hiding so much important things from your better half is taking out the basis of the Marriage itself. No doubt love matters in marriage.. but what about the confidence, loyalty? Her confidence in Raghavan itself is getting doubted as she is doing it without intimating to Raghavan about the consequences.

    Every person is supposed to do some mistakes in ups and downs in life as Raghavan also did. In that period only its the high time for near and dear ones to come forward to help that person and making that person understand the reality and the right path for proceeding next. Raghavan was deserving this kinda guidance from Vidya but as she didn't say anything to him, he didn't feel as a grief and continued on the same line. In the present presentation, 40% guilt goes to Vidya also.

    You got the nerve Sir ! Exactly this is the thing which I didn't like about the story !! Morality and Ethics are backbones of your life and even for love if your giving them the backseat then you will loose your Self ! You have to make your love so much strong enough that it can withstand with the morality and ethics.. and there is where exactly the battle of life is !

    Don't give Morality and Ethics backseat for Love.. but ask to Love for coming to foreseat to sit with Morality and Ethics.

    Sir, I think I was expecting too much from Vidya and Raghavan being the heroine-hero of this story for which I am really very sorry.

    Thanks and Regards,
    वेदश्री ( Vedashri )
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice Arguments....but...

    At the outset I am very happy that my story has got so much effect on you. Our Tamil film Director K.Balachandar in the field for so many years used to say, our story should disturb the audience. They should be affected, they should feel a kind of impotent anger or outright rage, if not for the characters, at least for the author. That way I am happy.

    Now, Madam, you have awakened the half-asleep lawyer in me. And I am not legally responsible for that lawyers' statements. You are free to accuse me of suffering from MPD. All of us do, the degree varies.

    Bibheeshan (as you call in Marathi) and Kumbakharna are blood-brothers of Ravana. And in those days the Shastras rule, "Jyestha Bratha pitr samaha" that the elder brother is equivalent to one's father was applied.

    That apart, the point here is not comparing the closeness of a brother and a life partner. It is something totally different. Both B and K were interested in Ravan's welfare. So B went ahead and told him what he was doing was wrong. B knew very well that for this audacity he will be insulted and even thrown out. But he did not mind that. His love for his brother was so great.

    K also loved his brother. For him his brother was everything. Whatever his brother did was right. He also tried to mildly dissuade him. But finding Ravan strong in his infatuation he goes to the battle and dies for his brother.
    Vidyas love for her husband was something like that. Please remember Vedasri,

    Vidya was not discussing the problem as we do in the airconditioned comfort of our homes and offices, analysing the right and wrong. Raghavan was desperate to get into filmdom. He had quit his job. And he even threatens her that if he did not get a chance then suicide will be the only option. It was in that crucial condition that Vidya gave herself.

    At one level Vidya's act was one of immorality. And we can comfortably assign percentages of fault to her. But another level, I would say, that her supreme love for her man has burnt the blemishes of her act. And she comes out as pure as an angel.

    And madam, you have condemned my heroine without trial with the following words:

    "In that period only its the high time for near and dear ones to come forward to help that person and making that person understand the reality and the right path for proceeding next. Raghavan was deserving this kinda guidance from Vidya but as she didn't say anything to him, he didn't feel as a grief and continued on the same line. In the present presentation, 40% guilt goes to Vidya also."

    Well to satisfy readers like you I could have inserted a scene and a page of dialogue where Vidya advises Raghavan on the dangers of cinema and all that. But any woman knows that advising a man especially when he is that desperate is perfectly useless. So Vidya opts for the other route.

    The only other option available to Vidya is to have kept quiet and watch her husband die or being destroyed.

    I loved your following words which shows that you are also a wordsmith.

    <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->Reply continues...
  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice Arguments....but... Part II

    "You have to make your love so much strong enough that it can withstand with the morality and ethics.. and there is where exactly the battle of life is !

    Don't give Morality and Ethics backseat for Love.. but ask to Love for coming to foreseat to sit with Morality and Ethics."

    When I gave backseat to morality and ethics I meant only the conventional morality and ethics. By her action Vidya gave the front seat to love and along with love the highest form of morality and ethics.

    I will quote one instance in the life of the great Saint Ramanujachariar. Once he was touring South and suddenly decided to go to the house of one of his very poor disciples. Along with Ramanuja were about 30 of his disciples. The poor host badly wanted to properly welcome the great Guru. But he did not have anything in his house.

    He had a good wife. The village grocer had been having an eye on that lady for some time. The lady went with her husband to the grocer. She told him that if he could supply enough provisions to make food for Ramanuja and his disciples, she would accede to his request. But the grocer should wait till she cooks the food, feeds the Guru and his disciples. The husband promised that he would bring his wife to the grocer once Ramanuja left the place. The grocer gladly obliged. This fact was not known to Ramanuja.

    The lady cooked excellent food which the visiting Group happily ate. As they were packing up to leave Ramanuja had a mild suspicion. How could a poor householder give that kind of food to so many people all of a sudden. He asked one of his disciples to find out the truth. The disciple did an investigation and reported the findings.

    Ramanuja was moved by the womans sacrifice. Our Shastras say that a woman who leaves her marital bed to stay with another man is cursed to the lowliest of the hells. If in spite of all that she had done this kind of sacrifice, what would have been her devotion?

    Ramanuja saw the husband and wife walking to the grocer’s house. He met them on the way and gave them his prasad which he wanted the lady to deliver to the grocer. On partaking the prasad the grocer realised the grave mistake he was going to commit and worshipped the lady and the husband for their nobility.

    Ethics and morality, both conventional and that of the highest form, took the back seat when Raghavan started an affair with another actress. But when Vidya sacrificed herself for her husband I just see in her the poor disciple’s wife.

    Sorry for the long reply. I can’t help it.

    Thanks for making me to think about my character so deeply.
  6. anushakmurthy

    anushakmurthy New IL'ite

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    Very very touching and leaves me with a heavy heart because what you have written is very close to reality so this end is a perfect one which fits more the reality and I agree with you that life's truest lessons are better learnt only when the heart is heavy!!!
    In life, we get carried away but fancy talks, materialistic stuff and fail to recognize and acknowledge true love and we land up creating disasters for ourselves which leaves no room for peace in our lives. However, when we are in that frame of mind where we get fascinated by fancy stuff, we fail to think tthru it practically and delve deep into the possibilities and just want to it, hook or crook...however with time, reality takes effect and we repent for what we do. So, is the case with Ramkumar.
    And, in my opinion, there was nothing wrong about Vidhya, as she was so tolerable to her husband's behaviour because she loved him so much and never wanted to leave him and would do anything for his happiness. Rare to see such kind of people.
    Even after she knew he had given himself to another girl, she stilll wanted to bring back her husband, she has been an epitome of tolerance as her love towards him was soooo strong. She gave him up only after she realized, he didnt want to persue a life with her and she was graceful, there too!!

    Wonderful story with sooo much truth!!
  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Anusha,
    what you have written would make a wonderful epilogue to my serial. You are right our being caught in materialism.
    I have been seeing that in many people. A CA I know suddenly got too much of wealth.He divorced his long time wife to marry a much younger woman. In fact his wife was with him when he was struggling in his initial years.
    Of course he gave Rs. 5 crores to his first wife and children and started happily living with his second, new-found wife.
    He had found a granite mine and as luck would have it, he developed some quarrel with other businessmen, who hired goondas to kill him. In a way it was good for the first wife; for if she were there with him at that time, she would have been also killed. The second wife had gone out when the murder happened.
    Suddenly everything looked so trivial to me. And in that heat I started writing this story.
    This was published in Womans Era in 2003 January in two parts. And I wrote this into a pocket novel which was published by Kumkumachimzh.
    If you read Tamil, let me know. I'll send you a copy by post.
    thanks for the profound fb

  8. anushakmurthy

    anushakmurthy New IL'ite

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    Oh ok...now I know the inspiration behind this story!!!
    Sure, though I dont read Tamil, my parents are oracious readers. Please do send them across. I will PM you my address...


  9. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Sure will do that, Anushka.waiting for your pm.
  10. AmritaPoorni

    AmritaPoorni Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Sridhar Sir,

    I read all the episodes of Price. It is indeed a story with a sad ending but a beautiful lesson in it. It is part of human nature that it is always dissatisfied with its life but finds others life to be happy and in the attempt to gain some other thing in life, they lose what they already had and only after that do they know its importance. Same thing happened to Raghavan here. Only after he entered the cine world did he come to know the real truths of the world and also what he lost or rather what price he had to pay for it.

    In the end however one thing is a suspense as to where is Vidya and what happens to her? Raghavan will be suffering a lot of mental agony but will he ever be able to find Vidya even if it is after many years and will they be able to again lead a happy life?

    Sridhar sir, I feel that you should make a sequel to this serial story whenever you get time.:)


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