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The Most Dangerous Belief In Human History

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by equanimity, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. equanimity

    equanimity Junior IL'ite

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    The Most Dangerous Belief in Human History :

    is to think that all Muslims are sympathisers of terrorism.

    Worldwide, terrorists strikes keep happening. Most of them are by Islamist Jehadists. They kill women, children and innocents ruthlessly without any warning. They do this senseless act of mass murder in the name of Islam and Jehad.

    The sad reality is, it makes many an average non-Muslim individual, believe that every Muslim on this planet is either a terrorist or a supporter of terrorism. In my perception, this is possibly, the most dangerous trend in human history.

    First, the majority of Muslims look upon these senseless acts of mass murder, with the same sense of disgust and anger, as every other non-Muslim looks upon. Plus, they feel so much pained that their Faith and Religion is maligned by a handful of misguided individuals, who interpret Islam in their own wrong way. To complicate it further, the normal Muslims, who do not believe in terrorism, have no control over the jehadists.

    The majority of Muslim are against this terrorism. They inform the law enforcing authorities, in time about an impending terror attack, when someone close to them is about to do it. In the process, they risk everything. Starting from the abortive Detroit flight bomb attack in US , till the recently caught Islamic State cell in Kerala, India, all abortive terrorist attacks were foiled with the key information given by the father / mother/ brother of the terrorist involved.

    When Donald Trump generalised, Muslims do not give information on impending terrorist attack, even if they have information, the FBI came down to correct him. The FBI released a press statement quoting vital statistics that all foiled terrorist attacks were due to the information given by Muslims of the neighbourhood (of terrorists) only.

    Not only this, see the war on terror all over the world, starting from Pakistan Taliban, Afgan Taliban, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, who is in the front line, on these battles ?

    Who gives their blood and sacrifice their lives, in fighting against these ruthless terrorists ? They are all Muslims ! Unless these normal Muslims , who do not believe in terrorism, keep this fight on by their supreme sacrifices, the jehadist Muslims would have by this time, taken over the entire world or at least major territories.

    So, next time, when you try to label as any Muslim as a terrorist sympathiser, think twice. Look at the reality and statistics available in front of you.

    Even if one does not acknowledge the supreme sacrifice of these Law abiding Muslims, labelling them and generalizing them all as terrorist sympathisers, will be a self-defeating notion.
    sindmani and vaidehi71 like this.

  2. SeekingMind

    SeekingMind Silver IL'ite

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    I agree. I hate generalizing any community. But, more outrage and protests against jihadist is expected from the moderate muslims which is lacking.
    sindmani likes this.
  3. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Even I hate it when whole community gets maligned owing to the acts of jihadists....But as @SeekingMind mentioned...even the educated Muslims are not coming out in open and condemning such acts ....is where the problem lies. It's true that terrorism has no religion...but to save Islam from disgrace....muslims need to be more vocal about the love for the countries in which they stay....be it India or Europe or Australia or the US...
    sindmani and vaidehi71 like this.
  4. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    This is not as easy as it sounds. Try looking at it this way:
    Marco Rubio, a presidential candidate in the United States, and by all accounts an intelligent man, is unable to come right out and say that evolution is scientific fact, that it ought to be possible to believe in God and yet reject the notion that the earth is five thousand years old (or six - but who's counting?) or that the bible is the last word on these matters. Why? He is pandering to his base. He is afraid that this will make him unelectable.

    Now contrast this with what 'educated muslims' fear. They are afraid that some fanatic will behead them, bomb their little shop or hurt their families. So, if a presidential candidate in a country that leads the world in science and technology finds it difficult to endorse ideas that might cost him merely a news-cycle or two, invite derision from the idiocracy, if a leader is unable to actually lead and persuade, then what right does he/do we have to expect condemnation of zealots from people who have so much more to fear, so much more to lose? It is easy to invite sacrifice from others.

    The problems are much deeper than this. Supporters and perpetrators of terrorist acts are not all uneducated. Not all people who are uneducated and oppressed resort to terrorism.
    Balajee and vaidehi71 like this.
  5. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Agree. But look beyond The US...Muslims need to come out in open and show their allegiance to the respective countries they are staying in.
    I'm not saying they are not doing so...but the numbers are dismal.
    I'm sorry to say but a very worrying feature is the atrocities being committed on the minorities commuties in the Islamic nations like Pakistan...
    All these things and much more is polarizing the world...
    vaidehi71 likes this.
  6. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    You missed the point.

    I am trying to say that when an ostensibly educated, intelligent, presidential candidate is unable to defend a proven scientific fact for fear of losing an election, how can an average citizen in fear for her life speak up? I am contrasting the relative safety of the US, the unarguable nature of evolution as scientific fact, and a relatively modest loss (election, threat to/from the ultra-right fundamentalist base) with the explosive atmosphere in places like Pakistan or Bangladesh that are rife with islamist violence.

    I am looking beyond the US. I am trying to say that when a so-called leader cannot speak up about a factual issue in the safety of the US, how can ordinary people speak up about highly controversial, blasphemous (for them) religio-political matters bordering on apostasy in a violent society where the threat to their safety is far greater? When they do, it is a great credit to them. When they do not, I am inclined to understand and give them the benefit of the doubt.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  7. equanimity

    equanimity Junior IL'ite

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    How vocal and where ? They can't come to the streets and shout we do not support jihad.

    after every terrorist attack, the Muslim socio religious body comes out in media and condemns the terrorist attack.

    what else can they do to prove that they love their country not jihad ?
  8. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    I'm not saying that you are wrong..but what about IS flags in J and K...violence eruptions in West Bengal...supporting Pakistan team during Indo Pak cricket matches etc etc...
    Religious bodies condemning terrorist attacks is one thing but when these bodies shelter and encourage terrorist activities....that's where the problem lies...
    E.g. .....four five months back...the Indian army was fighting terrorists in one of government buildings in Kashmir and the local mosque was continuously blaring out anti India rants....and the locals throwing stones on armymen....AND this is not some vague thought of my mind but was a news in all National dailies....
    See...I'm not doubting your love and faith for your country...but...you need to acknowledge that there's some deep rooted problems...which needs to be corrected....URGENTLY....
    I come from family of Indian Freedom Fighters and army men....and I'm proud to be an Indian...and i do have many Muslim friends who're very devoted to India...
    So...please don't take my post personally...it's just my observation...
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    sindmani likes this.
  9. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    True. There's nothing wrong with saying this - but the original point was 'moderate educated muslims should condemn terrorism'. I was trying to suggest why they may be afraid to.
    As for people who actively support, shelter and encourage terrorist acts or otherwise provide aid and comfort to the enemy - they are terrorists themselves, not moderates. No one would argue otherwise.
    J&K is a whole another ball of wax!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    sindmani and vaidehi71 like this.
  10. equanimity

    equanimity Junior IL'ite

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    Though I started the discussion to condemn and dispel the idea that all Muslims are terrorist sympathisers , personally ,I am a Hindu.

    So, don't worry. I didn't take anything personally
    sindmani and dc24 like this.

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