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The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #2) by Julie Kagawa

Discussion in 'Book Lovers' started by Mohur, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Mohur

    Mohur Gold IL'ite

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    You know how there are torture specialists in every army? Well Julie Kagawa is our official torture specialist in the world of bookworms… Yeah Really! Being a bookworm, you all know how hard it is to read a book and then wait a year for its sequel. Ms.Kagawa adds a special twist to make that agonising waiting period a torturous affair. Well if you don’t believe me, read this book that ends with such a HUGE cliffhanger that you too would agree with me!

    So, this book picks up afer Ethan Chase’s initial adventure in The Iron Prince. There is something about these Chase kids… first Megan and now Ethan – they just cannot get away from the Faerie world. This time rounf its Kierran, Ethan’s nephew who goes missing and he holds the future of the Faein his hand. One wrong decision could bring them all down. This is finally the moment when the prediction made in The Iron Prophecy could come true! Then there is Kenzie to consider. Ethan is forbidden to see her yet it is for her sake that Ethan has to try and put things right.

    As far as the plot goes, it is as exciting as the Iron Fey series. Romance, Drama and lots of Action. But the weakness is the lead character. Ofcourse, I like Ethan. But he comess off as rather weak after Puck and Ash. Kenzie on the other hand makes thing more difficult just with her stubborness. She brought on unnecessary drama to the story. But my god the ending! In one page, the last one ofcourse, changes everything… I kept swiping at my kindle with hopes of finding out what happens next!

    Read it at your own risk.

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