My dear Priya, It is very nice to receive your feedback. From all the posts, I see that more of us, remember our elders doing it, rather than ourselves doing it now a days ! That only shows, we are moving away from some things, in our culture ! Constarint of time can be the only reason. I do not want to attribute the reason to lack of interest ! Love, Chithra.
Dear Chitvish Thank you for the write up on Tulasi. Need to clear some doubts. Do you light a lamp for the Tulasi puja and do we have to go around the maadam as part of the puja?
Dear Skinny, It is customary to light a lamp in front of tulsi maadam & go around if space permits. In my balcony, it is in a corner - so I cannot go around. love, Chithra.
thanks so much chitra. i ot the thread.I also remember the elders saying that having tulsi around the house will prevent snakes from coming. --jayanthi
Dear Jayanthi, Welcome to I L & this forum. Yes, tulsi bushes around the house are very good - you are right. Thanks for your F B . Love, Chithra.
My Dear chithra Mam, I am new to IL and slowly reading your postings and finding so good and all these days blindly i used to follow like doing pooja , lighting lamp and tulsi, sindhur etc etc, as elders said to follow, without having the knowledge why , but after reading your posts , i am getting answers to all my doubts and very happy. Thank you chithra garu, but i need to read a lot now, so many are there. Thanks once again. best regards satya
Yet another wonderful post on Importance of Tulsi plant...I get this plant every year from temple in August month and try to save it and grow it but with the changing weather, climate conditions, travels etc was not able to keep it alive.... I was planning to get one for this sraavana maasam. hope this time it survives....thank you again for this wonderful post and the picture of your Tulasi plant
My dear Chitra mam, Read this beautiful post on Tulasi . Though it is an old thread, I saw this now also. I became quite nostalgic after reading that Tulasi stotram . I used to recite that when I was in school more than 20 years ago and after leaving my home town, I have never recited that. Being on a transferable job, setttling and unsettling in many states and living in apartments, I have not kept Tulasi after I left my parents home. But after reading the first sentence of the sloka, the words of the whole slokam just flowed in my mind. I immediately called my mother and told her my feelings . She told me to keep a tulasi at home, better late than never. So now being in chennai, I think I should start having tulasi at home. Thank you so much mam, you have made me start something good in my life, which I have been postponing till now.
Dear Chitra mam, I purchased a Terracota Tulasi madam last sunday and filled up with mud , sand etc. and planted tulasi seeds collected from my neighbour on monday itself. I am watering it daily and looking forward to see the first leaves sprouting from it, with child like enthusiasm. My daughter also joins me in this. If I am busy in kitchen , she sprinkles water after taking bath and before leaving to school. Thought I should share this with you. Thanks mam.
Dear chitra aunty Loved reading about tulsi....thanks for posting the slokams.... i too have started lighting karthigai (made of clay)lamps near my tulsi infront of my house after my friend told its good to light lamps at dusk....welcoming lakshmi home... lot of good changes too i am experiencing them... -sunitha