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That's Something Else!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Spring is magical. I don’t have to tell you that. Just drive around on a slightly drizzly day and you know what I mean. The nascent green leaves, the baby birds in the nests and some in the grass, the colourful flowers and a hope that perhaps a magical rainbow showing up some place? Agreed, one doesn’t have to drive around but you know looking at the already beautiful surroundings with rose tinted glasses, that’s something else no?

    I come home to a clean sink. Yes, the same old Akshayapatra – the sink that keeps on giving. I am proud of this ‘new me’ with a two-week streak of a clean sink. So, I settle down with my DD to play the trivia game that she has been playing. After making that move with her arm and fist going up into the air with excitement a few times, she turns to me and asks “Mom, how do you have so much of useless information in your head?". I simply smile. Little does she know about me, yet

    A full bright moon is peeping through my window. Just that morning, very early as I headed out for my workout, I remember crying out loud with joy in the car as I see a huge pink moon right in front of me as if to say hello to me. As I load the dishwasher, that same very moon is now in my window giving out a gentle white light. I can feel the gentle breeze coming from the open window, kitchen smells of the warm food I have just fed my family with and I hear the gentle flow of water in my pond. It is serene, beyond words! I understand that any chore can be meditative and only glad that here I am doing my dishes smiling and not with frustration.

    Taking off in a plane is surreal, for me at least. I am always amazed at this thing taking off peacefully into the air. I never fail to look heavenwards when I hear a plane go by, even to this day! But sitting in one is magical - to leave behind the trees, the houses and the life as I know, behind. As we climb higher, I see layers over layers of clouds. Between the passing clouds I see glimpses of houses, cars going by on highways.

    As I look at the disappearing houses, I wonder about the people; living in those houses and the stories they have. As look up above at a thicker layer of clouds, I think of God sitting up there supposedly looking at us. The beauty of it all boggles my mind. While I cannot tell one story about any of the houses I am seeing, God does seem to know the needs of every single being in every single house – at least that is what we believe. That’s something alright!

    I think of a conversation I had recently about God with a person I respect. She goes straight with a “Do you believe in God?” I don’t know what gets into me, but I respond with a “I am not so sure about God, but something has to be said about the belief. Belief that prayers will be answered and a sense of assurance that we can trust that someone sitting up there!”

    As I continue to watch the houses below, I suddenly am drawn to the sight of a pair of eagles gliding. Yes, the yellow beaks, the vast spread of wings and the gentle curves they were making. I have never ever seen such a lovely sight in my life. Suddenly, it is all clear. Just as an eagle can spot its prey from that height, so can that divinity hear/see us! I never doubted that, I always knew that. As the plane ascends into the heavy layer of clouds, I close my eyes in peace and an understanding that despite the clouds, it is all very clear.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    A light and peaceful write-up heralding or reaffirming the arrival of spring. It is all around us.

    I was thinking of you a few times this week. When the clouds appeared super white and hiding behind the hills, like a cotton candy machine overflowing and white the only color. As I got closer to the hill, it was like children crouched behind the hills trying to hide the machine by pulling it down but the candy keeps popping higher and higher.

    Another time your snippets came to mind was when I saw the beautiful roses blooming with so deep red a color. Many years ago, a friend new to the abundance with which roses bloom in America had beseech'ed me, "Do something with these." I recalled those words and half-heartedly went back in to fetch the rose-clippers. Gave up. : ) Went back and was too lazy or caught in admiring the roses to even take a picture.

    Next was when I saw the blue sky, and thought it looked a combination of baby blue, cerulean and powder blue. And how in our childhood we did not have enough color names to remember them by...yet the mind remembers.
    Srama, Thyagarajan, kkrish and 3 others like this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabitha,

    Spring brings very exciting times for most of us. Observing the changes happening in the nature is one of them while the children growing up to the next academic year is another. While watching the baby birds in the nest, we also count our blessings when our own babies remain in our nest.

    Watching moon is an exciting experience because of its bright white color giving an impression that its unity with blue sky and purity of its commitment to be always there for our blue planet and the earthlings.

    I couldn't control laughing at the sense of humor to describe the sink as "Akshyapatra". Doesn't it fill up faster than what we expect always? @Gauri03 described her husband's commitment to walk into a clean house after vacation and now you described walking back home to see a clean sink. IL is really motivational for everyone to become complaint.

    Both taking off and landing give a very unique experience. Whenever, I take off in an aircraft, I imagine the endless sky is the limit for my dreams and when I land, I imagine the gravity of the earth as a force that keeps me humble no matter how high I fly.

    Even believing there is no God is a belief. I am a true believer that "Deivam Manusharubhine" (God is in the form of a human-being) here with us always. Occasionally, people manifest their godly nature like us while other times, they move to the other part of the spectrum. (I don't like to call it an animal quality as it would be an insult to Tobi and Orion).
    Srama, Thyagarajan, kkrish and 2 others like this.
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    So peaceful! Your writing.

    I am even afraid to give a feedback, in case I disturb that serenity, especially after the two equally lovely feedback by @Rihana and @Viswamitra .

    Let me read your snippet once more and bask in the peace that you, only you, bring.
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    Same moon looks different according to our perspective. While driving, in front of Akshayapatra (I like the expression). I too obsessed with empty sink. House.... It should be the same as before leaving.... Including the newspaper neatly folded under the coffee table.
    I become philosophical as the plane takes off. Looking out of the window above the clouds reminds me of sitting on seashore watching waves . Always with a feeling that somebody is watching and taking care of us from up up above!!!!
    Yes.... Perfectly agree with you. Prayer with faith gives confidence to face life.... minuses especially. So, the mind is set in a proper gear. Scholars ask us to view pluses and minuses with same mind set.... Stithapragna. We do get agitated in difficult times and jump with joy in happy times. But after sometime we come back to normalcy and deal with situations.... no high or low tides. Sea is calm. God has set that mechanism built in us.Digressed from spring!!!! I think so. Spring is always welcome after severe winter.
    World is beautiful!!!!
    Viswamitra, Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: oh! What a post from a Nature Lover. Head to foot - a smooth take off, a floating hover and smooth touch down. You brought in all hues of flight and return home to a sparkle cleen Akshyapathram. I enjoyed reading your post and other veterans fb and your response thereto. Delighted.
    Thanks and regards.
    God makes us to think above when we are down below and vice versa.
    Viswamitra and Srama like this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Rihana,

    Thank you for such lovely and heartfelt response! I am grinning with joy that I come to mind....imagine that in this virtual world! Amazing no? It must have been you thinking of me when I had hiccups a couple of times ;-) DD loves to tease me with this little thing I have about hiccups!

    Talking about roses, I hear you! I have a deep red climber right by my garage and because of some severe storms, it has gotten loose and is always sprawling on the ground on the drive way and the last two times I diligently park get out, move the branches and then pull in even in the rain. I need to fix it but for that the rain has to stop! What to say about the colors of the sky. The blues! How can we get so many hues.

    My friend, it is so lovely to read your response - I can almost imagine how all of it looked to you! So here's a picture I took recently ....yes, on that same flight! IMG_20190407_084530.jpg I was mesmerized.....watching those clouds from a distance and getting closer!
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Thank you for your response. Spring year after year is pleasing! Kids growing up - while joyful, mother's heart sir!!
    I have always called our sink that wondering too if I put money in there if it would multiply as fast! Moon at night time is expected but you know at 5.15 in the morning, it really has different character to it! This past pink moon took me by surprise that I cannot describe! As for God, this debate in my head is proof enough that whether he exists or not, is certainly on one's mind! I quite enjoy these seasonal changes!
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamala @kkrish, I am touched! Thank you! Your words brought tears to my eyes! Love!
  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    Always so nice to hear from you! No, you did not digress from spring at all. My conversations with god are like these seasonal changes.... sometimes I am super happy like spring and at others! oh well! Conversations with other people also leads me to think about various things and it is often with an amused look that people look at me when I speak of how pretty it is outside! Recently did a class outside in the open and took this picture...... IMG_20190417_102253_1-EFFECTS.jpg I was mesmerized with this little flowering tree! It is strange you say that you become philosophical, I am thoroughly excited no matter how many times I fly! Oh the possibilities! And agree with you - no matter we feel reassured there is this someone up there wanting to take care of us. Why limit him/her to the four walls when such vast expanse is available!

    Thank you for such a lovely and heartfelt response.

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