Ten Rules for Getting Effective Results from Prayers

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    I learnt all these methods in my healing classes. I have modified in some places to suit our present day needs.

    1 – Set aside a few minutes everyday for prayer. Do not say anything. Simply practise thinking about God. This will make your mind spiritually more receptive.

    2 – Then pray orally, using simple, natural words. Tell God anything that is on your mind. Do not think, you must use stereotyped pious phases. Talk to God in your own language. He understands it.

    3 – Pray, as you go about the business of the day, while travelling or at your work. Utilise minute prayers by closing your eyes to shut out the world and concentrating briefly on God’s presence. The more you do this everyday, the nearer you will feel God’s presence.

    4 – Do not always ask when you pray, but instead affirm that God’s blessings are being given and spend most of your prayers giving thanks.

    5 – Pray with the belief that sincere prayers can reach out and surround your loved ones with God’s love and protection.

    6 – Never use a negative thought in a prayer. Only positive thoughts get results.

    7 – Always express willingness to accept God’s will. Ask for what you want, but be willing to take what God gives you. It may be better than what you ask for !

    8 – Practise the attitude of putting everything in God’s hands. Ask for the ability to do your best and to leave the results confidently to God.

    9 – Pray for people whom you do not like or who have mistreated you. Resentment is blockade number one of spiritual power.

    10 – Make a list of people for whom to pray. The more you pray for other people, especially those not connected with you, the more prayer results will come back to you.

    Love & regards,

  2. Priya Amarnath

    Priya Amarnath Bronze IL'ite

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    Best guidelines

    Dear Chithra

    Was waiting for this week's post and I had decided to sleep only after reading this week's post. Through this wonderful posting u have written what we should we ask God through our prayers. Enjoyed this weeks posting and liked the 5th and 8th guidelines the most.

    Thanking u
    Love and Regards
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh, Priya, you are "melting" me by your words !

    I feel so responsible for my postings, from your feed backs !
    Try the last one - no: 10 ! You will be amazed how " useful", you feel not only to your loved ones, but to society also ! It was the prayers of everybody that saved the 6 year old boy Prince, when he fell into a 60 feet deep pit in North India, 2 days back ! Miracles happen because of prayers !
    Thanks for such a quick feed back.
    Love & regards,
    sindmani likes this.
  4. Shal

    Shal Senior IL'ite

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    Your wish is my command, Mrs Chitra!

    Dear friends,

    Too shy to post this letter/feeback here, I sent it as a pm to Mrs Chitra but she asked me to post it here, so here it goes...

    Dear Mrs Chitra,

    Nejamma nejamma I can't believe this! You know I just read your post in the 'The Significant Unique Features of Indian Culture' and was like...how come you knew me?? Trust me, I swear by my mom, I do(since the day I've been married) all that you have listed from 1 to 8!!!

    1. I always say my prayers right after I bathe.

    2. I chant the gajananam, and then guru, shani, suryan, and dhakshinamurthi slokam and sing the hanuman chalisa song from the movie 'hanuman'. I love the time I talk to Him after the slogams, as I talk to Him the way I talk to my mom or Prem-like konji konji saying hiii, thank you soooo much, you're so cute etc!!

    3. A lot of times, I like praying while I am exercising...I find it a way to thank Him for making me so fit after the ghastly accident.

    4. This is the best!!!!!! I thank more than ask, and hence always believe that God gives me what I ask for bcz i don't ask everyday. So, after everday prayers, I just talk to Him for a couple of minutes and tell him that I am very happy with what I have, so I don't want anything today!

    5. I simply believe that when we can give time to cleaning ourselves, loving our near ones, filling our stomach and helping our body, we sure can take out time to thank the One who created us:)

    6. Although there are times I am negative, but never during a prayer...bcz I simply feel that there is defly nothing we need to be negative abt if we can take time to remember all those orphans/disabled/poor people.

    7. I ALWAYS do this!!! May it be my exam results or prem's job shift decision, I simply tell Him that we wish it happened, but I wanna leave the decision on Him to either give it or take the chance away and I shall take what He gives, for He knows what's best for us!

    8. I always tell Him that I gave my best shot, but if He thinks I need to further improve, He could fail me and let me know I gotta practise more(This came true recently in driver's license test where He failed me the first time just to improve me and pass the second test with 'Zero' mistakes!!

    10. (partially) I pray sometimes for the ppl affected in flood/blasts etc but not all the time. I do pray separately for each of my (old and new) family members.

    I am sorry if I bored u with all this, but nejamma, I was overwhelmed when I read all of this from you and realized that I do most of them!! Also, sorry to have written a pm to you, but I didn't want to post this in the forum lest I should sound like a stupid girl blowing her own trumpet:cry:

    Lots of love
    1 person likes this.
  5. meenu

    meenu Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear chithra,
    This weeks posting together with last week's lay down in simple language the glory of attitude in prayer. The word block is an apt effective usage. The moment I read the word I immmediately decided to consciously make an effort to drive negative thoughts . Chithra, I always find my mind wandering from my intentions in the course of prayer. How do we rectify that. Will it affect the effect of prayer?
    Thank you,
    Dear Shal,
    I enjoyed your mail very much.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  6. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    Mrs C- u communicate well

    Dear Mrs Chithra,

    The Thursday postings are awesome. Thanks for these simple but powerful suggestions on how to pray. With such effective communication, I am sure we will stay better connected to God.

    love& regards
  7. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Simple, but mind blowing!

    ...is what comes to my mind after reading this week's words from you Chitra!

    Was waiting for Thursday to read your precious lines. As always, they come with comfort and consolation. All the words are heavy with precious instructions and I feel I have to rush to my pujaiarai and practice them at once! Some of them, I do, being prompted from something within. Some of them are timely reminders. Thanks again Chitra:)

    Also, thanks for prompting Shal to post her lines here.

    Shal, you are a great girl! I do feel humbled reading your words. I don't think I was remotely as wise as you are when I was at your age! With young people like you around, we really do not have to worry about our tomorrows! Keep it up gal:)

  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Shal, your message comes from your heart & not head !

    You have sent one of the best acknowledgements for my posting, my dear ! I am surprised that you are so mature in spite of your young age ! I think a major accident has helped you mature, what years of life could not have done ! But do include no: 10 ! I always write out a list of my friends afflicted with terminal diseases, marital problems etc. Shal, believe me, our prayers work for others & that gives us so much of fulfillment.
    I requested you to post it here because I want everybody to read it & experience the truth & practicality in them.
    Thanks a million, dear Shal !
    Love & regards,
  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Meenu, you have sent me a 2 in 1 !

    You did'nt send me a F B last time ( I do make a note of my faithful regulars in all the forums - not a desirable habit, but can't get rid of it ! ).
    So you combined it this time, smart, I say !
    Block is our own creation in mind. So getting rid of it is also in our own hands.
    As soon as a negative thought enters your mind or your thoughts start wandering, give yourself an auto suggestion ::;" cancel, cancel". Words do have enormous power & you will be surprised how much it helps. I will not say the effect of the prayer will be affected, but your concentration will definitely be affected. Praying to God, you will be wondering why the previous day's T V serial took an unexpected turn !
    Stay tuned, Meenu.
    Love & regards
  10. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Vidya, your F B in a small package ?

    But why such a cute 2 liner F B ? Are you trying to prove that good reactions come in small packages? Like the tiniest wrapped gifts are the best, the weeniest chocolates are the most exotic?

    Well then,this feed back belongs there - ha ha ha, my dear Vidya !

    Love & regards,

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