What slokas do you teach your toddler? How are you teaching them? What age did you start? My DD is 13 months old. After giving her a bath, I make it a point to take her to the pooja room and recite 4 slokas (Shuklam bharadharam, shanthakaaram bhujagasayanam, sri rama ramathi, vanamali gadhichaangi). I know it is super early for her but then want to inculcate the habit in her.
Dear Ramya Very good initiative... IMO babies start learning in womb itself by listening so the way you have chosen is very wise one by hearing you recite the mantra your DD too will pick up soon am sure this will be very beneficial in the long run .. As for method just recite the mantra slowly and clearly if the babies power of grasping has increased it will learn in a matter of 2 months or early... My nieces learnt this way...
I follow the same method as you do for V.. After bath, its a daily routine for her. Also, she sees DH doing karpoorarthi everyday. Infact she enjoys the sound of the bell.. so it has become a routine for her to see her dad pray and she also folds her hands in front of the God's photo when we recite slokas... Even when we go the the temple.. she does the same as we are doing wants to get down and prostrate these days!!
Ramya it is good to start slokas sooner dear..... Mooshika vaagana , Saraswathi namasthubyam, Gynanaanandha mayam devam , mayuraadhiroodam Asathoma satvamaya etc can be added to your list..... It is very sweet to listen to these slokas chanted by our LOs..... Good Luck....:thumbsup
Hi, Go to Slokakids, there you find different slokas for all the Gods. You can show it to them when they are 2 years old. My daughter used to watch it in the computer when she was a toddler. Slokas will improve their focus. Good luck.
ramya very good thought:thumbsup even i do the same like everymorning and evening after bath i take both my kids(8 and 3 years) to the pooja room and they light the lamp and say "om namashivaya"......(they know only this mantra)........:rotfl
Hi I do the same with my daughter. Every evening, after I ethify the velakku (light the lamp), I stand with my palms pressed and reciting slokams, specifically "gnyanannda mayam devam" , "buddhir balam" and "mooshika vahana". Earlier, my daughter just used to watch me and do only namaskaram. But these days she does the same thing as me, like keeping her palms pressed together and mumbling some random things. I feel slowly, she will pick up the words. Also, while putting her to sleep, I always play "Jo Achyutananda" by MSS and the bhajan "nainanme siyaram" by Sikkil Gurucharan. Now, in baby language, she is able to sing both these songs. So I would suggest you to just keep repeating. There little brats are like a sponge, they soak up everything as long as it is consistent.
@vjbunny That is a good point. Hopefully I prayed daily when I was pregnant! @bril S thinks it is a game when I try to teach her to fold her hands. If I fold my hands she is all ready to open them. She loves the sound of the bell. Tries to touch the karpooram like we do. Good to know about V's cute actions. @knbg Completely forgot about those slokas. Was trying to remember what my mom taught me. But could not until I saw your post. Thanks for making me remember
@vidhyalakshmi That is a good site. Thanks for sharing. @pinky6 I take my DD once a day. Within that time she grabs the idols and pictures to bite! Just a phase I guess. Your kids will soon learn other mantras. If you are interested check out the site given by vidhya. @peartree That is so sweet. Your DD is sure learning lot of good things. Buddhir balam was another sloka which I was trying to remember. Of course I dont remember the wordings of the slokas. Learning time for me Thanks all for your inputs.
actually there is a bombay sisters casette that has chinna chinna slogangal, (i presume it should have been released as cd now).. i used that to teach my kids, when we were abroad..now they learn it as school prayer and sometimes listening to elders.. Chinna Chinna Slogangal Songs - Chinna Chinna Slogangal Sanskrit Devotional Songs - Sanskrit Songs Lyrics Trailer Videos, Preview Stills Reviews