My sister has worked for a few years in a multi national company..after career break due to maternity she is thinking about different career options... She is in India. Many people suggested teaching job for her... After enquiring, it looks like B.Ed is compulsory for getting job as teacher in any school...but B.Ed through distance mode is costing about 1 or 2 lakh , depending on college or university.. she is unable to attend classes regularly for regular B.Ed which would also take 2 years... So basically it would require time and money and efforts to be invested to become a teacher... She isn't sure if she is passionate about teaching as this is pretty new for her... We want a realistic picture of how life as a school teacher is, before exploring this option She is living with family in a metro politan city in Indian. 1. What is the pay for fresher teacher with no experience? ( primary or middle or high school) 2. What is life as teacher, is it really a light and easy job or is it a very hectic and challenging job similar to industry job? 3. Of late seeing education sector becoming more commercialized...attitude of parents towards teachers, attitude of students, etc And heard few cases of how school management harass teachers putting more work pressure.. 4. How does the teaching profession in schools impact health of teachers in long run? Especially due to: Running behind students Inhaling chalk dust Standing for long hours School, sports day practice for kids apart from classes Other unofficial duties imposed on teachers.. 5. Is there work pressure 6. Teachers too have to spend 7 to 8 hours or more ins school right...and work Saturdays too.. Any advantage over company jobs? Companies too have 8 or 9 hours working but Saturdays off Pls give some advice...those of you who are teachers or having friends or family members in teaching profession.. We need to advice and support her so she can proceed with career...we want her to take proper decision...of teaching profession is not that suitable for her she can do industry job... Kindly reply..
Teaching job is not easy.It is not a time pass job .One need to have dedication and passion since teachers are not dealing with files or folders but tiny little living beings. Apart from teaching , they need to make curriculum planning ,lesson planning etc which takes out good time.Paper evaluation,making report cards etc are additional work .Teachers need to prepare students for sports day ,annual day etc.Most schools have Saturday as working for teachers even if students are not coming .Private schools/International schools PT meetings are stressful for teachers. Also some schools ask teachers to submit all originals when they join.Reason is they don't want teachers to resign in the middle of academic year. I worked as Asst teacher for a couple of years ,I didn't have BEd .Starting Salary in International school Is 15k-20K.If you are handling special subjects /language like French you may get slightly more salary. You will not be able to teach in middle or high school without BEd. Management in some schools are extremely strict. Advantage of teaching job is Holidays and respect you are getting from students.Its a rewarding (not monetarily) and Noble profession. It's not a job one should pick when nothing else is available.Continuous learning is necessary. Please ask your sisters to talk to other teachers and understand the professionbefore taking decision .Good luck.
@AppuMom has already said what I would have. Teaching is not an easy job and definitely not the last resort. One of my sisters is a teacher (post-graduate lecturer, teaches 9-12) and a few of my friends are elementary school teachers in India. B. Ed is required for the Government job. In addition, a state-level test needs to be qualified for 9-12 grade teaching. Government or private, teachers have to show good results/ students' progress which requires working hard. A lot of schools are trying different pedagogical approaches which means continuous education for teachers through workshops and then implementing these approaches in the classroom. In my state, Government teachers make a starting salary of 40k-70k depending on the level they are teaching. International schools pay 30-50k depending on the subject. One of my friends teaches 5-8 grade science in a private school and she earns ~50k in Delhi. As a teacher, you do get summer and winter vacation and whenever school closes but has to work on holidays like Independence /Republic day...whenever school participates in a function. School times are usually 8-4 (7-3 in summer). My other sister left her teaching job (also PGT, lecturer) and decided to work as a data scientist in a government agency. She was a computer science teacher but felt that teaching was not her thing and was not happy. She now works 9-5 (M-F) and no summer vacation but she likes it better because it is an "easier" job than teaching. Your sister will need to find out if she likes teaching. Unless one is passionate, it's hard to be a good teacher and we all want good teachers for our kids. Good luck!
Op, I have always wondered about chalk dust. It has to cause some lung problem in long run. I have seen that teachers have to work a lot. There is grownup-politics also in terms of who is 'vice-principals' wing man etc. Pros are that working hours and holidays will exactly match with those of kids, if the kids are in same school. Many schools provide lower tution for teacher's children. And of course, the summer and winter break. Teachers have to walk a lot- lot of steps, because there are hardly any elevators. This can be problem for after-middle-age. I wouldn't think much about respect from children, because some of the parents can be so nasty that we will over compensate for the good students. Having said that, I still think it is good profession if one loves to work with children. The pay is good, job has some flexibility (you can take long sabbaticals, long paid medical leaves) in government teacher job. Private ones have to work very hard for their pay. Do overtimes etc.
In my opinion to be a teacher one has to be extremely passionate about it. Taking that as an alternate career option with no passion makes no sense at all. But if one is passionate about it thinking about that 1-2 lakhs and spending that time doing B Ed is definitely worth and a good investment in a long run. Recently I came to know my cousin has taken up a teaching course. What I understood is its not a B ed course but something called as TISB. More about it you can google. Nps is a group of educational institutions in many metros in India. Tisb helps her to be a teacher in NPS group of institutions. It's a 8 month course with an investment of less than a lakh. Also it's an international course and helps her to get into any nps outside India also. This is one option your sister can explore. Like every profession being a teacher also has a flip side. Few Constant complaint I See from a close friend is 1) unlike MncS where one can request a manager to take permission for a few hours and go from office for any work, it's impossible for her to get any permission because there's hardly any back up plans in schools for alternate teaching. Short notice permissions never work in schools. 2) correction of papers. 3) She did say once teaching job one can take up if one is passionate. You may not see big pay cheques but you'll earn decent money. So take an informed decision before taking up teaching.
Thank you @nuss @hermitcrab @Anusha2917 Few things about her which I didnt mention in the original post is that, she has a couple of health issues post delivery such as back pain if standing for long hours, and joint inflammation issue in her feet which makes prolonged standing and walking painful at times...for which she is taking treatment...its under control with proper treatment , medication by good specialists and few physiotherapy measures but would flare up now and then. ..Would flare up by more walking for longer distances sometimes.. Will standing for long hours and taking classes, walking long distances from one campus to other, one floor to other, one classroom to other be feasible for her on a long term basis..?.the issue is not 100percent cured till now and she has her own child to take care of at home too... If she does an MNC job she will have a sedentary job , sitting desk job and very less physical activity during day to day work... except for commute for which she can take public transport or cab provided by office. Am i right or wrong about this? Does one have to be physically very fit and strong to be able to cope up with a teaching job for at any leading school?
Yes very much. From what I observed in my friend she is drained out completely by evening time. Well it could be Just her and different ladies have different fitness levels. But she does complain that constantly shouting at kids in class to maintain the discipline drains her energy . She takes maths for class 8 and 9 in a leading school in a metro. According to her corrections are demanding and time consuming. She even said once she sat until 4 am one day to finish the corrections . So any job is demanding and teaching is not easier!
In the above case, (1) not her choice (2) no interest --- teaching is a HORRIBLE job. High people-contact jobs are stressful to those who are introverts. Jobs have different levels of people-contacts. She ought to find something that suits her needs (money, timepass, non-family-grownup-company, learning), skills, and abilities, and do that after looking at the pros and cons of specific available jobs in her location. Wow... MNC - mostly no compunction ? All jobs need a person to be able to withstand some level of physical rigour. Even sitting down somewhere, and looking busy. At the very least one should consider why an employer should give up x amount of rupees and invite an employee to occupy space at their location? What benefit do they get for this transaction ?
Yes...teaching is demanding I agree...and present generation kids too are more arrogant and tough to deal with. Would be physically and mentally exhausting for anyone who is not very fit and strong...