I am 24 weeks pregnant, had my anatomy scan few days back and everything is good . We were staying in US and last month we moved to India and here my OB asked me not to travel ( I wanted to go to my moms place, which is 4 hr drive from where I stay) so I had to cancel my plan. But now she has agreed to let me go for a month so I am planning to go next month but where my mom stays they heard 2 cases of swine flu. Both of those patients are hospitalised but after hearing that DH is not ready to let me go! I so want to see my mom, she was not well and now slowly she is recovering so even she can’t travel here to see me! What should I do ? Should I listen to my DH and not go? Or should I go ?
Stark, are you able to talk to your mum over phone? If yes, did you ask her what she thought about this situation? I am only thinking if she would be OK to travel if you made all the arrangements for her safe n comfy travel to your place. You can easily book an ambulance that will take care of it. That way it will be a change for your mum as well and DH too should be happy to foot the bill as you kept his word and 4hrs drive wouldnt cost much anyway. My 2 cents. Hope this helps