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Supreme Court Says - Hindu Son Can Divorce Wife If She Tries To Separate Him From Aged Parents

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by SeekingMind, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. curiousgals78

    curiousgals78 Gold IL'ite

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    actually there is a video of garudapuranam in youtube now. try it and see if it does the magic.
    the sutra logic is there.google it. i was talking about this type of one which has two of them

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    Vaikuntha likes this.
  2. Vaikuntha

    Vaikuntha Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks!! I didn't know it was on youtube...will email the link...trees saved and point made
  3. Vaikuntha

    Vaikuntha Platinum IL'ite

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    They are all clones of my MIL, act like such...

    Imagine being surrounded MIL clones
    curiousgals78 likes this.
  4. Sweety82

    Sweety82 Gold IL'ite

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    Here i am not a feminist, nor iam offending or blaming or hurting anyone. What should be the judgement of supreme court if the hindu son's aged parents tries to separate their son and his wife? Will the hindu son cut his relationship from his parents? No wife or DIL will expect to separate, except for very rare cases. Firstly, when it involves both the families, wherever discrepancy is there, it should be solved. Mistake can be from any side possible. During ancient times (times where our ammas getting married), while girls grow up, their education was stopped and parents taught girls to cook, clean, serve, dumping their minds to be ready for married life and injecting them about how to be like a daughter in law. Nowadays, On one hand, the parents in law expects too much from the girl. They seek an educated girl from a decent family. They expect that she should go for a job / or should be at home after marriage. After marriage, they feel, the DIL should take responsibility to serve people(their relatives) including themselves. PILs will act according to their advantage and they expect their DILs to knod their heads. Immediately after marriage, the girls should forget their parents house (if needed she can visit some time with their acknowledgement) and whole heartedly should accept inlaws as parents. At the same time, they want to keep their son with them. They make decisions for their DIL. Why all these? This deftly leads to problem because the girls are not brought up in an older way of life. They are getting highly educated and they earn a lot equivalent with their husbands . They have exposure and they can be independent. But the inlaws cannot digest this even if they seek educated and earning girl. The MILs, if they don't like their DILs after marriage, they start building up stories about them, spreading a negative impression about their DILs to others, and projecting themselves as if they are very good but still they are not lucky enough to get a good DIL. Having the name "aged", they think that whatever they do is correct and perfect (because they are aged). On the other hand, the DILs, being educated cannot bear this kind of behavior from inlaws and starts nagging their husbands. Sometimes, this is getting heated up leading to a big misunderstanding between two families. The girl should also think that, like her brought up by her parents, the parents in law has also taken pain to bring up their son in his life with all the education and kindness. DILs should never ever think of a way to relieve their husbands from his parents, because of her problem with them. This is happening everywhere, and a solution should be given that the DILs should be kept independent in her decisions without any interference from her PILs (as long as her decisions are not destructing the family) and the DILs should not interfere in her husbands relationship with his parents. This is my view. Pls ignore if my opinion provokes anyone.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  5. Shilpanagpal

    Shilpanagpal New IL'ite

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    Wht about kid in such cases?
  6. miraclekids

    miraclekids New IL'ite

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    What more can we expect from this male dominated soceity..! What if the so called "old helpless inlaws are abusive towards their bahu? Then too? What about those old couples who doesnt have sons? Only daughters? Who will take care of them? Why didn't the court pass a law "a woman can file a divorce case against her husband if he tries to stop her from taking care of her parents"..along with this one? That would have been acceptable then.
  7. mybaby1

    mybaby1 Gold IL'ite

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    why only HINDU SON...?? Anything can be done for hindus but other communities have their books n culture which need not to be touched..
    Sunshine04 likes this.
  8. AAPriya

    AAPriya Bronze IL'ite

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    I got married 6 months ago. My FIL posted this on his FB account for everyone to see. I was confused why this was something FIL thought was important enough to post on his FB account for all of his relatives and me to see. Wondering if I had somehow inadvertently indicated anything, I asked my MIL (am on better talking terms to her) if she and her husband felt threatened about something I said and she said FIL is just expressing his opinion. And these people claim to be very good people who don't endorse divorce at all. So why would this person think it is important enough to share, I don't understand.
  9. Minion

    Minion Platinum IL'ite

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    You should post some news articles about how many IL's get arrested every year for all sorts of reasons and tag him.
    mybaby1 and Brevity like this.
  10. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

    Why even read what FIL posts on FB. FB interactions with in-laws, especially older in-laws, are best kept to zero or minimum till you've had the time to get to know them better. Older people and FB can be a potent combination.

    He posted something. OK. Why you have to go and investigate it? And why ask MIL?? Ask husband, if at all you have to.

    Asking anyone "have i inadvertently ..." "have you felt threatened..." is like asking a kid who is almost asleep if he/she wants some water. Answer is highly likely to be a yes and a wide-awake kid, actual thirst be darned.

    Actually, the older woman got it right. He is just expressing his opinion. That's all.

    "Claim to be good people who don't endorse divorce"
    Ideally, you shouldn't be discussing divorce in any context with in-laws so soon after marriage. Even, as a social topic. And, I would be very wary of any one who "endorses divorce" or "does not endorse divorce at all". Each divorce is a separate story.
    Topaz49, pinkgal and AAPriya like this.

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