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Supportive therapy to cure cancer approved

Discussion in 'Nature Cure' started by Vimmala, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. radhavj

    radhavj Senior IL'ite

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    hello Vimmala, your info on herbal oils therapy is very informative..since one of my friend's daughter's Mother inlaw is having lung cancer..i could suggest a similar therapy ...if u could either give ur contact number in the IL directory or you could also get my number from the bangalore directory itself in apparels section
    looking forward to hearing from you soon
    thanking you&i once again congratulate you for the excellent work that you are doing
    God bless you
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  2. Vimmala

    Vimmala Senior IL'ite

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    I don't know how to post my contact No here or in the Directory. You can search for "iyerindianr" in google.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2010
  3. princepratt

    princepratt New IL'ite

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    Your attitude makes a hell a lot of a difference not only in your healing process, but also in the way you recoup. I am reminded of a regional movie from India which I stumbled upon. It was a very intense story where the hero is diagnosed with cancer and given very few days to live. He asks his wife to go ahead in life and secludes himself.
  4. Vimmala

    Vimmala Senior IL'ite

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    No one is a God here, we can't fix a date for cancer patients. When we say Environments are the reason for diseases why the same can not be utilised to cure the disease. When a smoke from tobacco creates cancer, there must an other smoke that will heal them. This is what Siddha Medicine says. Here this is only a supportive thearapy so that the environment helps us to cure them.
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  5. Vimmala

    Vimmala Senior IL'ite

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    Please read the following and the attached doc
    you can contact me at

    Abstract :Cancer Cure as mentioned in Vedas


    This Scholar believes that the atmosphere and environments plays an important role in forming all diseases including cancer. When a non smoker stands and inhales the cigar smoke he is getting cancer. Simultaneously candle light dinners in closed A/c rooms/ halls can also help the cancer cell to grow. After studying Vedas which’s main philosophy is fire sacrifices with different types of herbal sticks, under the atmosphere of Hindu temples in South India, constructed with rock and granite, worship of images of gods made with Copper that creates different kinds of light rays, that penetrates through the skin and make chemical changes in the blood cells. For all diseases and especially Cancer, blood disorder plays an important role.
    Based on this theory this scholar approached the Cancer and shared his findings through net.

    Olive oil cure mentioned in Vedas was applied 2000 before!

    The sour grape (amphakion) "Omphacium" is a kind of oil obtained from the olive and vine. The former is from white olive and the vine is from Aminaean grape, when the size of a chick- pea just rising of dog star (The Sun). The verjuice (Unripe fruit juice) is put in earthen vessels and then stored in vessels of cyprian copper. The best is reddish, acrid and dry to taste. Also the unripe grape is pounded in the mortar, dried in the Sun and then divided in to lozenges.

    The aminaean grape is a lanata or woolly grape "So that we not be surprised at the wool bearing trees of seres or the Indians." The former were mulberry trees with silk worm cocoons bred on them and later were cotton.

    Pliny says "Omphacium heals ulcerations of the humid parts of the body such as the mouth, tonsillary glands etc., the powerful action of omphacium is modified by honey or raisin vine. It also cure dysentery, spitting of blood and quinsy."

    (Ref:Wilfred H.Schoff, Ed,, Periplus of the Erythraean Sea(Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a merchant of the first Century) Second edition., Oriental books reprint Corporation, New Delhi-110055, 1974 pp 75-76)

    Further there were number of wooden planks used for extracting oils.
    This is described in a book by Chattopadhyay K.P., Ancient India Cultures and Migrations, Firma K.L..Mukhopadhyay, Culcutta-12, 1970 pp 91-98

    The oil boiled out is Ngai and from the pressed plank is Mayai.

    A combination of herbal oil as mentioned in Agathya Samhita was studied and the combination of herbal oil was produced at Retort Laboratory, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, well known Herbal Medicine manufacturers in India. The produced oil was lit as a holy lamp in the room where the cancer patient was and his psychology and the approach of his well-wishers also studied. The holy lamp was lit, and before that three copper images/ Egg shaped copper balls were also placed, and the lamp was lit for three hours in the early morning and at dawn.
    The patient who was declared IV stage of throat Cancer and kept under Morphine at one tab for six hours so that he doesn’t feel the pain was told about this trial. Since he was happy that he need not swallow any pills apart from the current one he and his family co-operated for this.
    This matter was informed to the AACR (THREAD ID:1-1EBRX1H) (ACTIVITY ID:1-1EDGT18) in 2008 January.
    After one week of lighting the lamp, the patient said he feels better, and requested to continue this supportive therapy. He reduced the intake of morphine in to three per day. Again after two weeks another tablet was reduced. After 45 days the patient fully stayed away from morphine and declared he was in III stage. At this time he was able to speak few words. After this, he went to a hospital and admitted himself as he was a Government servant; he was eligible for full reimbursements of the medical expenses. After 4 months he came out of hospital to sign a document at his office and he was speaking with everyone. But suddenly he developed bile and TB, and in next 48 hours he died.

    The room where we reside plays an important role in curing the diseases. The air content in room remains the same and if we lit a lamp with herbal oil that sends ultra violet rays in to the blood cells that reduces the growth of cancer cells and its activities.
    We need a device that measures the gas contents of the room accurately and send the volume and density per cu.mt. This equipment we must put in a room and record the combination of gases present in the room.
    Then the room should be filled with cancer patients for 4 hours and we must record the gas content in the room for every hour. There will be a change and we can estimate what the cancer patients emit through his skin. Check the differences of gas contents in the room. Now counter this with lighting herbal oil, before which place a copper piece of egg shape. When the light rays passes through the copper egg it will split in to millions and penetrate as NaNo rays in to his skin and make chemical changes in his blood cell

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  6. TomAndJerry

    TomAndJerry Bronze IL'ite

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    It is not possible for us to get these oils or follow the methods, can you tell us who can give us these treatments?

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