Hello everyone, As you all may have heard there is a Supermoon eclipse on 27/28 September 2015. I live in USA(Texas) and I m 10+ weeks pregnant. I heard that pregnant women should take some precaution during this time. Can anyone please tell me what is the exact time for the eclipse in Texas area and is there anything I should avoid doing or should do during that time. I know it will be on 27th here in USA but don't know the exact time it's quite confusing.I know some of you may think this is superstition but I think its better to be safe than sorry so please suggest what you know. Thanks
Thank you so much for the link got to see the exact time but haven't seen any information for dos and don'ts for pregnant ladies.
Generally it is advised that pregnant women should not be out of the house during that time, in the sense they have to be in closed doors so that they are not in contact with sun or moon during the eclipse time. It is also advised to eat early, that is well before the eclipse starts and not eat during the eclipse time. The next day one needs to take bath (head bath) and then only eat. Pregnant women are not allowed to take the previous days left over food after the eclipse time. These are few things I am able to recall.
@Lavanya30 Thank you so much for the information, but what about if the moon eclipse is for 4-5 hours isn't that a long time to not eat anything as you can't sleep also during that time(as I heard and read online). Let's see how I m gonna deal with it.
I understand, especially when you are pregnant, but see if you can something heavy by 5.30, I think the eclipse starts at 7.15pm and ends at 12.15am, I know its tough.
Can we eat fruits and veggies from before the eclipse ? We should not eat only cooked items right ? Also I have huge windows in my house. I have curtains on them but still sum moon rays come from the side. Is that ok? If not can u offer any suggestions we live in a house and we have soooo many windows I am pregnant too