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Stupid Husband

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by poojaagar, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. poojaagar

    poojaagar Bronze IL'ite

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    yes only due this reason of education aspect i want to go back to india and there started an issue betn us..otherwise i can get a job..after coming here seeing edu im literally shocked..and i can see your viewpoint..are you trying to say it does not depend on schools?
  2. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    If education in developed countries like US, Australia etc are tat bad why do you think many Asian/Indian people go there to do MS or any higher education ?

    BS/MS in other countries are more valued than tat in BTech/ MTech in ordinary colleges in India.

    Not every Indian kid can get into prestigious institutions like IIT. It requires lot of dedication and hard work to get into it.

    Also it doesn’t mean tat only if you are from IIT your kid is successful else failure. There are many students who graduated from normal colleges who have joined the Big 4 companies too!

    So ultimately it also matters on the individual as well. No matter how the education system is, it also depends on how much interest and effort the student is putting in!

    Why Foreign Education System is better than Indian Education System?

    India ranks 92 in education among 145 countries, shows Legatum Prosperity Index: All you need to know

    As @lavani mentioned I have seen many people(Americans) in US who has no CS degree but they are very good coders. It all depends how passionate you are !
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    Sunshine04, SinghManisha and lavani like this.
  3. sunshine1970

    sunshine1970 Gold IL'ite

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    You are saying that education is superior in India then Western developed nations, then how come Indians education is doubled and re tested in Western Countries. The IT sector is well accepted and respected, but for all other fields India kids must go back to school and re do exams and multiple things in order for their cerdentials to count in western nations. I am a Lawyer/CPA in North America-went to Yale. I get job offers all the time from India and need not re do any of my education. I don't think it is fare you are dismissing Western Countries education system. Did you see the suicide rate amongst kids in India just because they got a low exam score? Highest rate in the world.
  4. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    your points are very valid. and this is why i said this thread is getting diverted from marital issue to education

    india is a very big country. parents push their kids for education is because, there are so many blocks. 0 Govt support, reservations. 0 Govt umemployment aid. 0 free medical health care ( i know USA is not fully free ) . School education is too expensive. In USA, kid can dream and fullfull to join NASA. Can indian kids join ISRO easily. It is a long way.

    education is one the easy ways the child can help himself after being an adult. But i would also add, in this modern world, parents should be smart enough to help their kids explore different business ideas along with education.

    IT is not super in india . We just came first in the race of english speaking coders. Now recently lot of improvements has happen in Open source contributions , product development. Otherwise it has been a service based IT.

    my point is Western education is very good , but ultimately , kids who work hard anywhere with attitude, find their way well up . AND it is very easy in Western world because of lot of support from society and less bureaucracy.
  5. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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  6. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Shocked about what ?My kids go to public schools in the US and are thriving really well. They know more about world history/ math than I ever did at their age.

    While your husband deciding to quit his job is unsettling, you need to understand and help him find something he is passionate about. It is very difficult to work in a field one does not like.
    Most western countries have a forgiving system where people can restart their careers / change fields at any change ( unlike India). Why not take advantage of that ?

  7. poojaagar

    poojaagar Bronze IL'ite

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    I agree but for schooling the rigour indian system follows will discipline them academically na? In here right now she has nothing expect some spelling daily and they play a lot and watch documentary for english lessons..not much math and science classes only once a week or twice..
    of course for college edu overseas the best..
  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Whats your problem?

    Why can't you accept your husband as who he is, and make plans for the family accordingly?

    Look... Couples in a marriage are often compared to cup and saucers. That's how you are suppose to complement each other. Cups and cups or saucers and saucers won't make a good pairs.

    Likewise, an overenthusiastic wife with a laid back husband would be a perfect pair. This is how generally good marriages work. Of course on the reverse though, like a great earning man to a stay at home wife and so on.
    But coming to the era of Gender equality and equity, I don't think your gender matters here.
    Since you are capable of earning, getting a foreign PR without any trouble, why should you worry about your H staying at home?
    Let him be a stay at home husband for a while, and take care of the kids and family matters like any stay at home wife would.
    Perhaps, you may provide better support by pitching in with household chores while at home, or offering domestic helpers/nanny to ease his stay.
    As time goes, and as visa permits, let him join for voluntary works or flexible jobs to get the sense of financial security. It also helps for a stay at home person for a change.
    This way, he will be on the loop and will have better chance when your kid is in middle school and don't need a parent to stay at home full time.
    And also, perhaps he can slowly begin to contribute for the EMI or expenses, even if his income means "taxi driving".

    Just a role reversal to happen here. This is also gender equality. So, accept it and move on girl.
  9. poojaagar

    poojaagar Bronze IL'ite

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    i agree in regards towards IT..but is schooling better in india bcos there are no exams here until grade 6 here? and all of a sudden they keep exams in 7th so few families feel they get pressure later but dont know how far this is true?
    Joyoflife likes this.
  10. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    That's the best way of educating young kids. In our part of the world, kids are forced and given unnecessary competition where they are either memorizing or getting the help of others in terms of exams.
    In fact, kids should learn on their own, and know their abilities and weaknesses by the time they reach higher grades.

    Till then, they can be coached on various other skills like swimming, drama, arts, elocution and all. That's how their personality develops, and creativeness improve.
    Joyoflife, shravs3 and poojaagar like this.

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